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XCOMUFO & Xenocide

Is There Any Way To Change Ship Names?


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I've been checking around the hack utils out there, but I haven't found anything for changing the names of the ships.  Yeah, it's a tiny thing, but tiny things like being able to rename your soldiers and giving your bases names are fun.

Yeah that's a good idea, I been wanting to change my Skyranger-1 to "USS Enterprise" hehe


Maybe hex editor or something? But that would be a chore....

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you can't rename them because they're not stored anywhere. ships don't have names, they just have some number to identify them and then the game shows it as "ShipType-Number" (eg. SKYRANGER-4).

the game just stores each ship's number (an ID of sorts) and the last used ID for each ship type so even if you sell SKYRANGER-1 a new one would be SKYRANGER-5 or SKYRANGER-6 or whatever.

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