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XCOMUFO & Xenocide

Online Versions Problems?

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I have tried the HTML version but it does not work. It comes up but only Load Saved Game and quit work. either "New Game" or "play" do not work.
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The "New Game" link must be broken. I've tried running the online game through Firefox and Internet Explorer, but to no luck. The flash version of the game seems to be working though. You might want to try that until that link is up. :(
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don't know about the html version, since that's micah's business.


the flash version is supposed to work like that. it's WIP.

at first it was just a whole bunch of screenshots connected by buttons, but then i decided to scratch that and start again.

however, trying to reproduce an entire x-com game, alone, with just flash, is just insane.

so i figure i'm gonna go back to the "screenshot version", make it act as a "preview" for x-com (kinda like the html version), maybe allow you to take down ufos, and use that. heck, i could even create some highscore system on who has taken down the most ufos, to keep you amused.


you know something? that's not such a bad idea. *goes work on it*

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