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XCOMUFO & Xenocide

Facility Construction Time


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I have been working on displaying facility construction time aka days left until built.


I have the functions working for 1 square and im wondering what is the best way to approach multiple squares is .


void BaseviewRenderer::displayDaysRemainingforConstruction(bool windowStatus)


bool freeFacilitySquare;

Core::Player* player = Core::Player::getInstancePtr();

Core::HumanBase::SharedPtr base=getCurrentBase();

Core::HumanFacility::SharedPtr pickedFacility;


// Get number of facilites and loop that many times (Special case for landing docks due to there size 2x2)




pickedFacility = base->getFacility(0,5);












I really dont want to repeat this




pickedFacility = base->getFacility(0,5);








for every single square on the grid... I know if this was IBM REXX i could have variables in my getWindow() Baseview/FacilityDisplayWindowAxB declare A and B .


However in C++ to the best of my knowledge you are not able to use variables in this situation. :(

Edited by amessier
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You mean you want to generate strings like that:








String windowName = boost::str( boost::format("Baseview/FacilityDisplayWindow%1%x%2%") % a % b);

(I'm not sure about syntaxis here, in worst case you probably can use sprintf :))


And then use windowName instead. (Put everything in a function or something)


BTW, why do you iterate through squares, and not through facilities themselves?

Edited by UnFleshed One
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Thats exactlly what I wanted to know.. So boost supports it...


Umm good point with the iterating thru facilities and not squares....






You mean you want to generate strings like that:








String windowName = boost::str( boost::format("Baseview/FacilityDisplayWindow%1%x%2%") % a % b);

(I'm not sure about syntaxis here, in worst case you probably can use sprintf :))


And then use windowName instead. (Put everything in a function or something)


BTW, why do you iterate through squares, and not through facilities themselves?

Edited by amessier
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