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CTD - Alien Goal

Guest Azrael Strife

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Next draft. Proofread and rephrased.



X-Net://Pegasus.net/Alien/Research/Alien Goal


Our research division has finally pieced together enough information to decipher the Aliens' grand scheme behind their presence on Earth, as well as how they intend to accomplish their fiendish goals.


Evidence points to the fact that the arrival of the "Star-Spawn", as the Aliens refer to themselves as a collective group, in our Solar system has to be dated around 500 BC. We were able to triangulate a possible flight vector placing their origins to a location near Beta Persei approximately 115 light-years from Earth. Reasons unknown to us forced the ship occupied by the "Overmind" to crash land on Mars. To ensure its survival the crippled ship placed the Overmind in stasis and kept only essential systems like life support online, hoping to receive an answer to the automated distress signal broadcasted into space. Earths first radio transmissions at the end of the 19th century might have been interpreted as the anticipated answer, causing the ships computer to awake the Overmind from stasis. Seeing a way out of his misery, the Overmind took interest in the Terrans, a species it had not detected on his approach, due to their previous lack of advanced technology.


We do not know exactly why it took the Overmind more than three decades to undertake activities on earth, however, we suspect a massive cloning program as well as establishment of an operational base and construction of a medium sized fleet.

From ship logs and further interrogations, we know the Overmind’s minions had already established a presence here on Earth in the late 1930s; nevertheless, the purpose of these activities remains elusive, as no significant data is available. It is likely that the Aliens' operations consisted mainly of observation and harvesting of biological resources. However, with the outbreak of World War II, the Aliens were able to gain a deep insight into the nature of Human psyches and military tactics used around the world, as nations collided in war against one another. The Overmind must have been very impressed with our ability to kill and destroy with no apparent remorse, no doubt, especially with the utter destruction of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945.


Human abductions presumably began in the 1960s; with the first report being made in 1961, the possibility of Alien presence on our world became real for a small portion of our planet’s population, however evidence was scarce and the Aliens' activities were largely unnoticed. Undoubtedly these abductions told the Aliens a great deal about our physiology and mentality, but were particularly designed to decode the Human Genome; countless genetic experiments were performed upon Human subjects (X-Corps: X-Net Entry://Pegasus.net/Alien/Research/Abductions), aimed at achieving a more thorough understanding, and other, more sinister goals.


One of the of the most notorious consequences of Alien research into the Human genome is our evolutionary jump in psionic capabilities. There have always been legends and tales of men and women capable of performing the most amazing feats beyond human capacity; many of these merits were regarded as magical in nature, and its performers as mages and witches as these people could read thoughts or even lift objects without physical contact by mere concentration of thought. Though these people tend to maintain their psionic nature a secret, an historical analysis by X-Corps scientists led to the discovery of an increased number of individuals capable of such actions in the last fourty years. It is speculated, that this “psionic boom” is very much related with an Alien manipulation of Human DNA. Psionic abilities however, have proven to be inherent to the Human species; our inability to make use of them is due to the general population’s lack of knowledge and training on these, as only very psionically strong subjects are able to wield these aptitudes without training of any sort; it is likely that at least some DNA manipulations were precisely aimed at enhancing our natural psionic vocation.


When the Aliens’ presence unquestionably became evident in 2011 after the first UFO was shot down, the Aliens changed their tactics from mere observation to aggressive interaction; they had amassed all information they needed and proceeded with decisive action. Unnecessary observation outposts were dismantled; human technology had advanced to the point where these poorly defensible research outposts could possibly be detected and easily captured. Military bases were erected to support the imminent Alien ground operations, Alien Freighters were dispatched from Thanatos to deliver the necessary equipment and resources such as the precious Xenium-122 and Alien Composites.

Construction of larger attack vessels began almost immediately after the downing of the first Alien Probe UFO in 2011. We know for a fact that assembly of all UFOs takes place on Mars as only the necessary equipment for ship repairs, rearming and refueling was found on earth bases.


With our currently available intelligence on Alien operations, we have finally uncovered the real objectives behind the Aliens’ efforts to conquer our planet: Integration of biological and physical resources into the “Star-Spawn”, especially of mankind's great ability of creative thought. Of all the Alien species encountered, not one was found to be acting on its free will; all Alien creatures are manipulated by the being we know as the “Overmind” in order to gain a foothold on Earth. Our scientists agree that although all Alien species have been tampered with, both cybernetically and genetically, to be more effective on the battlefield, they all once possessed untainted biologies, with planets of their own; at some point in their history captured by the Overmind, freezing their social and technological development at the point of the assimilation into the "Star-Spawn".


We have come to the conclusion that the “Star-Spawn's” goal is not to completely assimilate the Human species into its forces by mind controlling us, but to brain-wash us to make use of our inborn abilities - beeing a natural combination of those that the Aliens’ have obtained only through cybernetic and genetic modification: we are capable of developing strong psionic powers, comparable to those of the Cloaks, our soldiers have proven to be a match for the Alien troops, even Morlocks and the Human brain structure is more developed than most Alien species’, perhaps just second only to that of the Greys, but with the great advancement of free thought, allowing for development of new strategies as well as technologies desperately needed by the Overmind to face those who forced him to retreat to our corner of the galaxy.


Needing us "alive and unharmed" the “Overmind” had to refrain from using massive destruction weaponry - undoubtedly at his disposal, and try to infiltrate world governments to lure us into enslavement.

After analyzing possible flaws in this strategy being employed against us, we have come to the conclusion that all steps in the “Star-Spawn’s” tactics were the result of careful planning. Terror missions are the most viable way for the Aliens to seize power; to terrorize mankind to the point where individual nations submit to the Aliens; signing treaties that would slowly grant full power to the “Star-Spawn”. The “Overmind” has plotted a master plan, which, fortunately for us, has had the only flaw of underestimating us and the world leaders willingness to stand together in desperate times.


The fact that we, as unmodified humans, are succeeding in our stubborn resistance against the “Overmind’s” array of heavily-enhanced Aliens only demonstrates our potential and makes us all the more valuable. It makes us shudder for the future of universe should we fail and become the latest brainwashed, gene-altered and machine-grafted minions of the “Overmind”. Considering the it's plan to enslave and assimilate our species, we can view the other Aliens races, despite their induced hostility, as unfortunate slaves engineered into rapacious killers. They have been turned into biomechanical horrors against their will and are unfeelingly sent to die at our hands for a goal they can no longer comprehend. Outside the battlefield, they deserve our pity. On the battlefield, we must do our duty and preserve our planet.


Our mission now is not only to stop the “Star-Spawn” but also to protect Earth and our species; we must prevent the “Overmind” from continuing its millennia-old campaign of conquest and subjugation.


“I pity the fool who tries to conquer my planet”

- Mr.T

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Evidence points to the fact that the arrival of the "Star-Spawn", as the Aliens refer to themselves as a collective group, in our Solar system has to be dated around 500 BC.


Yikes, that's a lot of subordination. There's no superfluous information there, but I think it would read better as two sentences (especially early in the morning, as it is here). As in: "The Aliens call themselves the 'Star-Spawn,' and live in a society built around and controlled by an 'Overmind.' Available evidence puts the arrival of the 'Star-Spawn' on Earth around 500 BC."


We were able to triangulate a possible flight vector placing their origins to a location near Beta Persei approximately 115 light-years from Earth.


Triangulation requires two additional locations taking measurements. I'm by no means an astrophysicist, but my intuition tells me we'd probably need those locations to not be on Earth in order to make meaningful measurements aross the vastness of space. Again, it's too early for me to have a better idea.


The Overmind must have been very impressed with our ability to kill and destroy with no apparent remorse, no doubt, especially with the utter destruction of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945.


I'm still willing to go to battle over this. One sentence does not a psychological profile make. It's all well and good to say that the Overmind is mean and naughty, but it's far more effective to show us exactly what it's done to earn the mean and naughty heavyweight championship (professional writers repeat the mantra "show, don't tell"). How about a paragraph indicating that World War II was initiated by the Overmind to test humankind's destructive capabilities? That would require some minor tweaking in a later paragraph, but it at least suggests that the Overmind is capable of some vast evil. As it now stands, nothing in the preceding text tells us that the Overmind exists solely to create chaos and destruction.


One of the of the most notorious consequences of Alien research into the Human genome is our evolutionary jump in psionic capabilities. There have always been legends and tales of men and women capable of performing the most amazing feats beyond human capacity; many of these merits were regarded as magical in nature, and its performers as mages and witches as these people could read thoughts or even lift objects without physical contact by mere concentration of thought. Though these people tend to maintain their psionic nature a secret, an historical analysis by X-Corps scientists led to the discovery of an increased number of individuals capable of such actions in the last fourty years. It is speculated, that this “psionic boom” is very much related with an Alien manipulation of Human DNA. Psionic abilities however, have proven to be inherent to the Human species; our inability to make use of them is due to the general population’s lack of knowledge and training on these, as only very psionically strong subjects are able to wield these aptitudes without training of any sort; it is likely that at least some DNA manipulations were precisely aimed at enhancing our natural psionic vocation.


Again, I still feel strongly enough about this to argue it again. I maintain that "evolutionary" should be excised entirely in favor of a less loaded term. While I understand that you want to explain how psionics have always been around in a rare and minor form, there's a bit too much information there, and it disrupts the flow of the entire article. I would simply explain that "Stories of humans with supernatural abilities have existed almost since the dawn of recorded history, but were dismissed by modern scholars as folklore and legend. However, a recent 'psionic boom' coincident with the surge of alien activity have brought these 'supernatural' abilities into mainstream science. Separate analyses by X-Corps scientists and private researchers indicate that psionic capability has always been part of human physiology, and that alien manipulation of our DNA is responsible for bringing the level of humans born with innate psionic capability from less than 1% of the population in 1950 to around 5% today."


With our currently available intelligence on Alien operations, we have finally uncovered the real objectives behind the Aliens’ efforts to conquer our planet: Integration of biological and physical resources into the “Star-Spawn”, especially of mankind's great ability of creative thought. Of all the Alien species encountered, not one was found to be acting on its free will; all Alien creatures are manipulated by the being we know as the “Overmind” in order to gain a foothold on Earth. Our scientists agree that although all Alien species have been tampered with, both cybernetically and genetically, to be more effective on the battlefield, they all once possessed untainted biologies, with planets of their own; at some point in their history captured by the Overmind, freezing their social and technological development at the point of the assimilation into the "Star-Spawn".


This paragraph seems to have two "main points": The aliens are here to use us, and the aliens are puppets of the Overmind. Neither of those are bad thematically, but it's a lot of information to pack into three sentences. For ease of reading, those need to be broken up. Suggested:


With our currently available intelligence on alien operations, we have concluded that the aliens intend to integrate all biological and mineral resources into the "Star-Spawn." The alien species we have so far encountered once lived on separate planets and possessed fully unique biologies. The Overmind conquered each species in turn and altered their DNA to enhance each species' unique abilities and turn them into machines of war. Every alien species known to humankind is utterly without free will and exists only to do the direct bidding of the Overmind.


Mankind, with our seemingly limitless capability for creative thought, is an especially valuable part of the Overmind's plans.


In order to explain why we're so useful, I have to plunder your next paragraph. And the one after that, and so on. Pretty much the rest of your article. I mean no offense, I'm just trying to streamline some things.


The Overmind seems to believe that simply reducing us to mindless slaves of its will is ultimately counterproductive. Instead, it seeks to manipulate us into willingly carrying out its aims. The Overmind believes that our creative energy can be used to similarly manipulate other alien species, thereby reducing or eliminating the need to forcibly conquer other planets. The psionic manipulation of humankind allows the Overmind to send individual humans pleasurable or painful signals to modify behavior, creating a subtle form of mind control that would have us believe that we act on our own when we do the Overmind's bidding.


Furthermore, humans seem to be equal to many of the Star-Spawn species. Our psionic capabilities are comparable to those of the Cloaks, our soldiers have proven to be a physical match for even the strongest alien troops, and the human brain structure is second only to the Greys in terms of complexity and development. It is logical to assume that human beings would become the vast majority of the Overmind's army, serving it as the primary engine of a psychological, physical, and technological attack.


The fact that we, as unmodified humans, are succeeding in our stubborn resistance against the Overmind’s array of heavily-enhanced aliens only demonstrates our potential and makes us all the more valuable. The Overmind determined that resorting to widespread destructive weaponry would be too great a risk, and carefully planned an attack that would exploit our governments and undermine resistance efforts. Terror missions are the most viable way for the aliens to seize power; terrorizing mankind would cause individual nations to submit to the aliens and sign treaties that would slowly grant full power to the Star-Spawn. The Overmind has plotted a master plan, which, fortunately for us, has had the only flaw of underestimating us and our world leaders' willingness to stand together in desperate times.


Considering the Overmind's plan to essentially enslave and assimilate our species, we can view the other alien races as unfortunate slaves engineered into rapacious killers. They have been turned into biomechanical horrors against their will and are unfeelingly sent to die at our hands for a goal they can no longer comprehend. Outside the battlefield, they deserve our pity. On the battlefield, we must do our duty and preserve our planet.


It is clear that defeating the Overmind is the only way to ensure the survival of our species, and therefore the survival of the universe. We are the caretakers of a universe we have not even begun to comprehend.


“I pity the fool who tries to conquer my planet”

- Mr.T

Edited by EHUDs_Rhino
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Evidence points to the fact that the arrival of the "Star-Spawn", as the Aliens refer to themselves as a collective group, in our Solar system has to be dated around 500 BC.


Yikes, that's a lot of subordination. There's no superfluous information there, but I think it would read better as two sentences (especially early in the morning, as it is here). As in: "The Aliens call themselves the 'Star-Spawn,' and live in a society built around and controlled by an 'Overmind.' Available evidence puts the arrival of the 'Star-Spawn' on Earth around 500 BC."


Actually, I think this is the kind of sentence you would read in tabloids. However, this is a scientific report, so I don't see a reason to split this sentence. Please keep in mind that this is not all new information to the player. He has read quite a lot about the OM and the star-spawn at this point. (well, if he has read the previous Alien research texts... :) )


We were able to triangulate a possible flight vector placing their origins to a location near Beta Persei approximately 115 light-years from Earth.


Triangulation requires two additional locations taking measurements. I'm by no means an astrophysicist, but my intuition tells me we'd probably need those locations to not be on Earth in order to make meaningful measurements aross the vastness of space. Again, it's too early for me to have a better idea.

You are correct. However, I don't see a better possibility right now.


The Overmind must have been very impressed with our ability to kill and destroy with no apparent remorse, no doubt, especially with the utter destruction of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945.


I'm still willing to go to battle over this. One sentence does not a psychological profile make. It's all well and good to say that the Overmind is mean and naughty, but it's far more effective to show us exactly what it's done to earn the mean and naughty heavyweight championship (professional writers repeat the mantra "show, don't tell"). How about a paragraph indicating that World War II was initiated by the Overmind to test humankind's destructive capabilities? That would require some minor tweaking in a later paragraph, but it at least suggests that the Overmind is capable of some vast evil. As it now stands, nothing in the preceding text tells us that the Overmind exists solely to create chaos and destruction.

Maybe you got the backstory wrong at this point. The OM has not been created solely to create chaos and destruction. It is an advanced tool of war which became self aware and went against it's creators. Now it's just desperatly trying to find a way out. I refrain from tampering with history that far. It was the Germans who started the war, and there is no point in sugercoating it with some Alien story. AS far as I am concearned this is not a pschological profile, you got me wrong on that one, but the X-Corps scientists have made a psychological profile allowing them to tell, that he must've been impressed with the bombs. This sentence is not meant to describe the OM, but to explain why he is so fond of us. And for that matter I think it suffices.


Again, I still feel strongly enough about this to argue it again. I maintain that "evolutionary" should be excised entirely in favor of a less loaded term. While I understand that you want to explain how psionics have always been around in a rare and minor form, there's a bit too much information there, and it disrupts the flow of the entire article. I would simply explain that "Stories of humans with supernatural abilities have existed almost since the dawn of recorded history, but were dismissed by modern scholars as folklore and legend. However, a recent 'psionic boom' coincident with the surge of alien activity have brought these 'supernatural' abilities into mainstream science. Separate analyses by X-Corps scientists and private researchers indicate that psionic capability has always been part of human physiology, and that alien manipulation of our DNA is responsible for bringing the level of humans born with innate psionic capability from less than 1% of the population in 1950 to around 5% today."


Sorry, I miss where you bring less or other information. If this is supposed to be a rephrasing of the same content, ok, I'll have a look into it.


This paragraph seems to have two "main points": The aliens are here to use us, and the aliens are puppets of the Overmind. Neither of those are bad thematically, but it's a lot of information to pack into three sentences. For ease of reading, those need to be broken up. Suggested:


With our currently available intelligence on alien operations, we have concluded that the aliens intend to integrate all biological and mineral resources into the "Star-Spawn." The alien species we have so far encountered once lived on separate planets and possessed fully unique biologies. The Overmind conquered each species in turn and altered their DNA to enhance each species' unique abilities and turn them into machines of war. Every alien species known to humankind is utterly without free will and exists only to do the direct bidding of the Overmind.


Mankind, with our seemingly limitless capability for creative thought, is an especially valuable part of the Overmind's plans.

Reads a bit too easy for me. I will however have a look in simplifying this §.


In order to explain why we're so useful, I have to plunder your next paragraph. And the one after that, and so on. Pretty much the rest of your article. I mean no offense, I'm just trying to streamline some things.

Please don't get me wrong here, but I strongly feel you should learn how we do things here. I will have a look at your suggestions, but rewriting half of the CT someone else produced without explaining every single step is not the way to go. That said, what you wrote is not bad at all. It's just the way you are presenting it is a bit... odd...

This is by far not the first draft of this CT, but one in the line of many. Why do you feel so different about this text than all those CTD members that commented on this text before? This is the reason why you need to explain every remark you make in depth, so others can follow and understand your point of view.

Edited by Mad
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Incorporated some of Rhinos ideas, further proofread.



X-Net://Pegasus.net/Alien/Research/Alien Goal


Our research division has finally pieced together enough information to decipher the Aliens' grand scheme behind their presence on Earth, as well as how they intend to accomplish their fiendish goals.


Evidence points to the fact that the arrival of the "Star-Spawn", as the Aliens refer to themselves as a collective group, in our Solar system has to be dated around 500 BC. We were able to triangulate a possible flight vector placing their origins to a location near Beta Persei approximately 115 light-years from Earth. Reasons unknown to us forced the ship occupied by the "Overmind" to crash land on Mars. To ensure its survival the crippled ship placed the Overmind in stasis and kept only essential systems like life support online, hoping to receive an answer to the automated distress signal broadcasted into space. Earths first radio transmissions at the end of the 19th century might have been interpreted as the anticipated answer, causing the ships computer to awake the Overmind from stasis. Seeing a way out of his misery, it took interest in the Terrans, a species that had not detected on his approach, due to their previous lack of advanced technology.


We do not know exactly why it took the Overmind more than three decades to undertake activities on earth, however, we suspect a massive cloning program as well as establishment of an operational base and construction of a medium sized fleet.

From ship logs and further interrogations, we know the Overmind's minions had already established a presence here on Earth in the late 1930s; nevertheless, the purpose of these activities remains elusive, as no significant data is available. It is likely that the Aliens' operations consisted mainly of observation and harvesting of biological resources. However, with the outbreak of World War II, they were able to gain a deep insight into the nature of Human psyches and military tactics used around the world, as nations collided in war against one another. The Overmind must have been very impressed with our ability to kill and destroy with no apparent remorse, no doubt, especially with the utter destruction of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945.


Human abductions presumably began in the 1960s; with the first report being made in 1961, the possibility of Alien presence on our world became real for a small portion of our planet’s population; however evidence was scarce and the Aliens' activities were largely unnoticed. Undoubtedly these abductions told the Aliens a great deal about our physiology and mentality, but were particularly designed to decode the Human Genome; countless genetic experiments were performed upon Human subjects (X-Corps: X-Net Entry://Pegasus.net/Alien/Research/Abductions), aimed at achieving a more thorough understanding, and other, more sinister goals.


One of the of the most notorious consequences of Alien research into the Human genome seems to be a sudden increase in psionic capabilities of the general population. There have always been legends and tales of men and women capable of performing the most amazing feats beyond human capacity; many of these merits were regarded as magical in nature, and its performers as mages and witches as these people could read thoughts or even lift objects without physical contact by mere concentration of thought. Though these people tend to maintain their psionic nature a secret, an historical analysis by X-Corps scientists led to the discovery of an increased number of individuals capable of such actions in the last forty years. It is speculated, that this “psionic boom” is very much related with an Alien manipulation of Human DNA. Psionic abilities however, have proven to be inherent to the Human species; our inability to make use of them is due to the general population’s lack of knowledge and training on these, as only very psionically strong subjects are able to wield these aptitudes without training of any sort; it is likely that at least some DNA manipulations were precisely aimed at enhancing our natural psionic vocation.


When the Aliens’ presence unquestionably became evident in 2011 after the first UFO was shot down, the Aliens changed their tactics from mere observation to aggressive interaction; they had amassed all information they needed and proceeded with decisive action. Unnecessary observation outposts were dismantled; human technology had advanced to the point where these poorly defensible research outposts could possibly be detected and easily captured. Military bases were erected to support the imminent Alien ground operations, Alien Freighters were dispatched from Thanatos to deliver the necessary equipment and resources such as the precious Xenium-122 and Alien Composites.

Construction of larger attack vessels began almost immediately after the downing of the first Alien Probe UFO in 2011. We know for a fact that assembly of all UFOs takes place on Mars as only the necessary equipment for ship repairs, rearming and refueling was found on earth bases.


With our currently available intelligence on Alien operations, we have finally uncovered the real objectives behind the Aliens’ efforts to conquer our planet: Integration of biological and material resources into the Star-Spawn, especially of mankind's great ability of creative thought. Of all the Alien species encountered, not one was found to be acting on its free will; all Alien creatures are manipulated by the being we know as the Overmind in order to gain a foothold on Earth. Our scientists agree that although all Alien species have been tampered with cybernetically and genetically to be more effective on the battlefield, they all once possessed untainted biologies, originated from planets of their own and were at some point in their history captured by the Overmind, freezing their social and technological development at the point of their assimilation into the Star-Spawn.


We have come to the conclusion that completely assimilating earths population into the Star-Spawn by mind controlling us would ultimately prove contra productive for the Overmind. Instead it seeks to brain-wash us into willingly carrying out it's aims. That way it can make full use of our inborn abilities - being a natural combination of those that the Aliens' have obtained only through cybernetic and genetic modification. We are capable of developing strong psionic powers - comparable to those of the Cloaks, our soldiers have proven to be a match for the best Alien troops, and the Human brain structure is more developed than most Alien species’, second perhaps only to that of the Greys, but with the great advancement of free thought, allowing for development of new strategies as well as technologies desperately needed by the Overmind to face those who forced him to retreat to our corner of the galaxy.


Needing us "alive and unharmed" the “Overmind” had to refrain from using massive destruction weaponry - undoubtedly at his disposal, and try to infiltrate world governments to lure us into enslavement.

After analyzing possible flaws in this strategy being employed against us, we have come to the conclusion that all steps in the “Star-Spawn’s” tactics were the result of careful planning. Terror missions are the most viable way for the Aliens to seize power; to terrorize mankind to the point where individual nations submit to the them; signing treaties that would slowly grant full power to the Star-Spawn. The Overmind has plotted a master plan, which, fortunately for us, has had the only flaw of underestimating us and the world leaders' willingness to stand together in desperate times.


The fact that we, as unmodified humans, are succeeding in our stubborn resistance against the Overmind’s array of heavily-enhanced Aliens only demonstrates our potential and makes us all the more valuable. It makes us shudder for the future of universe should we fail and become the latest brainwashed, gene-altered and machine-grafted minions of the Overmind. Considering it's plan to enslave and assimilate our species, we can view the other Aliens races, despite their induced hostility, as unfortunate slaves engineered into rapacious killers. They have been turned into biomechanical horrors against their will and are unfeelingly sent to die at our hands for a goal they can no longer comprehend. Outside the battlefield, they deserve our pity. On the battlefield, we must do our duty and preserve our planet.


Our mission now is not only to stop the Star-Spawn but also to protect Earth and our species; we must prevent the Overmind from continuing its millennia-old campaign of conquest and subjugation.


“I pity the fool who tries to conquer my planet”

- Mr.T

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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Finally! Someone had some ideas! Comments by Davo!


Our research division has finally pieced together enough information to decipher the Aliens' grand scheme behind their presence on Earth, as well as how they intend to accomplish their fiendish goals.


Evidence points to the fact that the arrival of the "Star-Spawn", as the Aliens refer to themselves as a collective group, in our Solar system has to be dated around 500 BC. We were able to triangulate a possible flight vector placing their origins to at or near? a location near Beta Persei approximately 115 light-years from Earth. Reasons unknown to us forced the ship occupied by the "Overmind" to crash land on Mars. To ensure its survival, the crippled ship placed the Overmind in stasis and kept only essential systems like life support online essential life support systems online, hoping to receive an answer to the automated distress signal broadcasted into space . Earths first radio transmissions at the end of the 19th century might have been interpreted as the anticipated answer, causing the ships computer to awaken? the Overmind from stasis. Seeing a way out of his misery, it took we just referred to the OM as him, now back to calling him an "it", should there be some consistency with that? interest in the Terrans, a species that had not been detected on his approach, is it needed? due to their previous lack of advanced technology.


The next paragraph is based upon the fact that our first radio transmission did definately awaken him but the previous says it might have awoken him, Should the following paragraph be "Assuming the overmind was awoken as a result of our first radio transmission, we are unsure as to why it has taken more than three....." or fix the first paragraph stating that the OM was awoken by our first radio transmission?


We do not know exactly why it took the Overmind more than three decades to undertake activities on earth, however,needed comma? we suspect a massive cloning program as well as establishment of an operational base and construction of a medium sized fleet.

From ship Alien vessel logs.... doesnt sound right but i dont think ships logs is the right word either... any suggestions? logs and further interrogations, we know the Overmind's minions had already established a presence here on Earth in the late 1930s; nevertheless, the purpose of these activities remains elusive, as no significant data is available or , as no significant data has been recovered. Sound better? not really? ;) . It is likely that the Aliens' operations consisted mainly of observation and harvesting of biological resources, however with the outbreak of World War II, they were able to gain a deep insight into the nature of Human psyches and military tactics used around the world, unsure about this comma, seems to seperate the sentence then the last part seem stuck on. Removing the comma doesnt seem to do much for the sentence either... maybe reword? as nations collided in war against one another. The Overmind must have been very impressed with our ability to kill and destroy with no apparent remorse, no doubt, especially with the utter destruction of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945. Unfortunately I see where rhino is/was coming from, The sentence seems out of place in comparison with all other ctds. Not the fact about a psychoanalogy but more in the fact that looking at all the other cts, something about what the overmind must have thought seems a bitt odd... I like the idea of the om was attracted to our complete lack of remorse for slaughtering our own kind and the megatonnes of energy we used doing it but i think it needs a remake but unfortunately im all out of suggestions for that one :(


For an in depth look at the alien goal and a topic where the best minds of the world have gathered and spent onerous time researching and deciphering, an awful lot seems to be still presumed. The opening sentence of the article in itself is almost a contradiction, the scientists have pieced together enough information (sounds like a lot of guess work) to decipher(always imagined deciphering something led to it being pretty well damn near set in concrete) the aliens blah blah... IMO, hahaha looks kinda rude now that i re read it. I imagined deciphering the aliens goal would lead us to knowing a few things, like when alien abductions began and if our radio transmissions awoke the om or not. The last thing to be put in a report (IMO) would be presumptions, or presumptions without evidence. May sound picky or me being a rude twat, just my op. thats all.


Rather than just send my opinion out, let me see what i can come up with ;)


All evidnece points towards Human abductions commencing(cant find a thesaurus :P )in the late 1960's; with the first report being made in 1961, the possibility of Alien presence on our world became a reality for a small portion of our planets population;


Human abductions presumably began in the 1960s; with the first report being made in 1961, the possibility of Alien presence on our world became real for a small portion of our planet’s population; however evidence was scarce and the Aliens' activities were largely unnoticed. Undoubtedly these abductions told the Aliens a great deal about our physiology and mentality is there a better word? I think psychology is probally better but doesnt look so good straight after physiology, but they were particularly designed to decode the Human Genome; countless genetic experiments were performed upon Human subjects (X-Corps: X-Net Entry://Pegasus.net/Alien/Research/Abductions), extra comma?aimed at achieving a more thorough understanding, and other, more sinister goals.


One of the of the most notorious consequences of Alien research into the Human genome seems to be a sudden increase in psionic capabilities of the general population. There have always been legends and tales of men and women capable of performing the most amazing feats beyond human capacity; many of these merits were regarded as magical in nature, and its performers as mages and witches as these people could read thoughts or even lift objects without physical contact by mere concentration of thought. Though these people tended? to maintain their psionic nature a secret, an historical analysis by X-Corps scientists led to the discovery of an increased number of individuals capable of such actions in the last forty years. It is speculated, that this “psionic boom” is very much related with an Alien manipulation of Human DNA. Psionic abilities however, have proven to be inherent to the Human species; our inability to make use of them is due to the general population’s lack of knowledge and training on these, as only very psionically strong subjects are able to wield these aptitudes without training of any sort; it is likely that at least some DNA manipulations were precisely aimed at enhancing our natural psionic vocation.


When the Aliens’ presence became unquestionably became evident in 2011 after the first UFO was shot down, Why did it become unquestionably evident? What about the roswell incident? The militry could not concoct some garbage story about russina spyplanes? Was it caught on camera or in a highly populated area? the Aliens changed their tactics from mere observation to aggressive interaction; they had amassed all information they needed and proceeded with decisive action. Unnecessary observation outposts were dismantled; human technology had advanced to the point where these poorly defensible research outposts could possibly be detected and easily captured. Military bases were erected to support the imminent Alien ground operations, Alien Freighters were dispatched from Thanatos to deliver the necessary equipment and resources such as the precious Xenium-122 and Alien Composites.

Construction of larger attack vessels began almost immediately after the downing of the first Alien Probe UFO Is it still an UFO is we have identified it as the first Alien Probe? in 2011. We know for a fact that assembly of all UFOs takes place on Mars as only the necessary equipment for ship repairs, rearming and refueling was found on earth bases. Fact leaves no doubt whatsoever, Deductive logic(i could have just made that word up, i dont think i did but i could have) does not quite point to fact. There is no equiptment for rearming or repairs or refuelling on Earth, this does not make a fact that assembly of all UFOs take place on Mars. Other possibilities include a mothership, different planet, space staion refuelling centre ;) hahaa, maybe picky but it is not a fact if we only go off those few points. P.S Is the [martian solution] researched yet? or [Cydonia or bust]


With our currently available intelligence on Alien operations, overkill of commas? we have finally uncovered the real objectives behind the Aliens’ efforts to conquer our planet: Integration of biological and material resources into the Star-Spawn, especially of mankind's great ability of creative thought. Of all the Alien species encountered, not one was found to be acting on its own free will; all Alien creatures are manipulated by the being we know as the Overmind in order to gain a foothold on Earth. Our scientists agree that although all Alien species have been tampered with cybernetically and genetically have they all been? to be more effective on the battlefield, they all once possessed untainted biologies, originated from planets of their own and were at some point in their history captured by the Overmind, freezing their social and technological development at the point of their assimilation into the Star-Spawn.


We have come to the conclusion that completely assimilating earths population into the Star-Spawn by mind controlling us would ultimately prove contra productive for the Overmind. Instead it seeks to brain-wash us into willingly carrying out it's aims. That way it can make full use of our inborn abilities - being a natural combination of those that the Aliens' have obtained only through cybernetic and genetic modification. We are capable of developing strong psionic powers - comparable to those of the Cloaks. Our soldiers have proven to be a match for the best Alien troops in combat and the Human brain structure is more developed than that of most Alien species’, second perhaps only to that of the Greys, but with the our great advancement of free thought, allowing for development of new strategies as well as technologies, is perhaps our greatest attribute so desperately needed by the Overmind to face those who forced him to retreat to our corner of the galaxy.


Needing us "alive and unharmed" the “Overmind” has had to refrain from using massive destruction weaponry - undoubtedly at his disposal, and try to infiltrate world governments to lure us into enslavement.

After analyzing possible flaws in this strategy being employed against us, we have come to the conclusion that all steps in the “Star-Spawn’s” tactics were the result of careful and calculated planning. Terror missions are the most viable way for the Aliens to seize power; to terrorize mankind to the point where individual nations submit to the them; signing treaties that would slowly grant full power to the Star-Spawn. The Overmind has plotted an intricate master plan, which, fortunately for us, has had the only flaw of underestimating us and the world leaders' willingness to stand together in desperate times.


The fact that we, as unmodified humans, are succeeding in our stubborn resistance against the Overmind’s array of heavily-enhanced Aliens only demonstrates our potential and makes us all the more valuable. It makes us shudder for the future of the universe should we fail and become the latest brainwashed, gene-altered and machine-grafted minions of the Overmind. Considering it's/his plan to enslave and assimilate our species, we can view the other Aliens races, despite their induced hostility, as unfortunate slaves engineered into rapacious killers. They have been turned into biomechanical horrors against their will and are unfeelingly sent to die at our hands for a goal they can no longer comprehend. Outside the battlefield, they deserve our pity. On the battlefield, we must do our duty and preserve our planet.


Our mission now is not only to stop the Star-Spawn but also to protect Earth and our species; we must prevent the Overmind from continuing its millennia-old campaign of conquest and subjugation.


“I pity the fool who tries to conquer my planet”

- Mr.T

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For an in depth look at the alien goal and a topic where the best minds of the world have gathered and spent onerous time researching and deciphering, an awful lot seems to be still presumed. The opening sentence of the article in itself is almost a contradiction, the scientists have pieced together enough information (sounds like a lot of guess work) to decipher(always imagined deciphering something led to it being pretty well damn near set in concrete) the aliens blah blah... IMO, hahaha looks kinda rude now that i re read it. I imagined deciphering the aliens goal would lead us to knowing a few things, like when alien abductions began and if our radio transmissions awoke the om or not. The last thing to be put in a report (IMO) would be presumptions, or presumptions without evidence. May sound picky or me being a rude twat, just my op. thats all.


Rather than just send my opinion out, let me see what i can come up with ;)


All evidnece points towards Human abductions commencing(cant find a thesaurus :P )in the late 1960's; with the first report being made in 1961, the possibility of Alien presence on our world became a reality for a small portion of our planets population;

I see where you're getting at. But then again, is it important information? The goal of this research was to find out what's the Aliens main interest was, not to set in stone what they've been doing when. It's not like the UFO's keep an enceclopedia galactica onboard "Abductions of Terrans began in september of the galactic year 347289..." ;) Or am I on the wrong track here?

Why did it become unquestionably evident? What about the roswell incident? The militry could not concoct some garbage story about russina spyplanes? Was it caught on camera or in a highly populated area?

Roswell is something we ignored so far - people might want to quarrel about it. for x-corps the first downed ufo was the one in 2011.




New draft based on davos comments. :)





X-Net://Pegasus.net/Alien/Research/Alien Goal


Our research division has finally pieced together enough information to decipher the Aliens' grand scheme behind their presence on Earth, as well as how they intend to accomplish their fiendish goals.


Evidence points to the fact that the arrival of the "Star-Spawn", as the Aliens refer to themselves as a collective group, in our Solar system has to be dated around 500 BC. We were able to triangulate a possible flight vector placing their origins at a location near Beta Persei approximately 115 light-years from Earth. Reasons unknown to us forced the ship occupied by the "Overmind" to crash land on Mars. To ensure its survival, the crippled ship placed the Overmind in stasis and kept only essential life support systems online, hoping to receive an answer to the automated distress signal broadcasted into space. If Earths first radio transmissions at the end of the 19th century might have been interpreted as the anticipated answer, is not clear at this point, what we do know is that around this time something caused the ships computer to awaken the Overmind from stasis. Seeing a way out of its misery, it took interest in the Terrans, a species that had not been detected on his approach due to their previous lack of advanced technology.


We do not know exactly why it took the Overmind more than three decades to undertake activities on earth, however we suspect a massive cloning program as well as establishment of an operational base and construction of a medium sized fleet.

From recovered "logbooks" and further interrogations, we know the Overmind's minions had already established a presence on Earth in the late 1930s; nevertheless, the purpose of these activities remains elusive, as no significant data is available. It is likely that the Aliens' operations consisted mainly of observation and harvesting of biological resources, however with the outbreak of World War II, they were able to gain a deep insight into the nature of Human psyches and military tactics used around the world, as nations collided in war against one another. Actually I'm pretty fond of this sentence... ;) Is arewording really necessary? The Overmind must have been very impressed with our ability to kill and destroy with no apparent remorse, no doubt, especially with the utter destruction of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945. Could you clarify why you think thi sentence is out of line? I think it doesn't fit that bad, since this is more of a review than of a scientific report. No?


After a thorough sighting of worldwide intelligence agency archives, we are able to say, that human abductions presumably began in the 1960s; with the first report being made in 1961, the possibility of Alien presence on our world became real for a small portion of our planet’s population; however evidence was scarce and the Aliens' activities were largely unnoticed. Undoubtedly these abductions told the Aliens a great deal about our physiology and psychological profile, but they were particularly designed to decode the Human Genome; countless genetic experiments were performed upon Human subjects (X-Corps: X-Net Entry://Pegasus.net/Alien/Research/Abductions) aimed at achieving a more thorough understanding, and other, more sinister goals.


One of the of the most notorious consequences of Alien research into the Human genome seems to be a sudden increase in psionic capabilities of the general population. There have always been legends and tales of men and women capable of performing the most amazing feats beyond human capacity; many of these merits were regarded as magical in nature, and its performers as mages and witches as these people could read thoughts or even lift objects without physical contact by mere concentration of thought. Though these people tended to maintain their psionic nature a secret, an historical analysis by X-Corps scientists led to the discovery of an increased number of individuals capable of such actions in the last forty years. It is speculated, that this “psionic boom” is very much related with an Alien manipulation of Human DNA. Psionic abilities however, have proven to be inherent to the Human species; our inability to make use of them is due to the general population’s lack of knowledge and training on these, as only very psionically strong subjects are able to wield these aptitudes without training of any sort; it is likely that at least some DNA manipulations were precisely aimed at enhancing our natural psionic vocation.


When the Aliens’ presence became unquestionably evident for all governments around the world in 2011 after the first UFO was shot down and international intelligence agents had the opportunity to analyze the wreckage, the Aliens changed their tactics from mere observation to aggressive interaction; they had amassed all information they needed and proceeded with decisive action. Unnecessary observation outposts were dismantled; human technology had advanced to the point where these poorly defensible research outposts could possibly be detected and easily captured. Military bases were erected to support the imminent Alien ground operations, Alien Freighters were dispatched from Thanatos to deliver necessary equipment and resources such as the precious Xenium-122 and Alien Composites.

Construction of larger attack vessels began almost immediately after the downing of the first Alien Probe in 2011. We suspect that assembly of all UFOs takes place on Mars as only the necessary equipment for ship repairs, rearming and refueling was found on earth bases.


With our currently available intelligence on Alien operations we have finally uncovered the real objectives behind the Aliens’ efforts to conquer our planet: Integration of biological and material resources into the Star-Spawn, especially of mankind's great ability of creative thought. Of all the Alien species encountered, not one was found to be acting on its own free will; all Alien creatures are manipulated by the being we know as the Overmind in order to gain a foothold on Earth. Our scientists agree that although all Alien species have been tampered with cybernetically or genetically to be more effective on the battlefield, they all once possessed untainted biologies, originated from planets of their own and were at some point in their history captured by the Overmind, freezing their social and technological development at the point of their assimilation into the Star-Spawn.


We have come to the conclusion that completely assimilating earths population into the Star-Spawn by mind controlling us would ultimately prove contra productive for the Overmind. Instead it seeks to brain-wash us into willingly carrying out it's aims. That way it can make full use of our inborn abilities - being a natural combination of those that the Aliens' have obtained only through cybernetic and genetic modification. We are capable of developing strong psionic powers - comparable to those of the Cloaks. Our soldiers have proven to be a match on the battlefield even for the best Alien troops, and the Human brain structure is more developed than that of most Alien species’, second perhaps only to that of the Greys, but our great advancement of free thought, allowing for development of new strategies as well as technologies, is perhaps our greatest attribute so desperately needed by the Overmind to face those who forced it to retreat to our corner of the galaxy.


Needing us "alive and unharmed" the “Overmind” has to refrain from using massive destruction weaponry - undoubtedly at his disposal, and try to infiltrate world governments to lure us into enslavement.

After analyzing possible flaws in this strategy being employed against us, we have come to the conclusion that all steps in the “Star-Spawn’s” tactics were the result of careful and calculated planning. Terror missions are the most viable way for the Aliens to seize power; to terrorize mankind to the point where individual nations submit to the them; signing treaties that would slowly grant full power to the Star-Spawn. The Overmind has plotted an intricate master plan, which, fortunately for us, has had the only flaw of underestimating us and the world leaders' willingness to stand together in desperate times.


The fact that we, as unmodified humans, are succeeding in our stubborn resistance against the Overmind’s array of heavily-enhanced Aliens only demonstrates our potential and makes us all the more valuable. It makes us shudder for the future of the universe should we fail and become the latest brainwashed, gene-altered and machine-grafted minions of the Overmind. Considering it's plan to enslave and assimilate our species, we can view the other Aliens races, despite their induced hostility, as unfortunate slaves engineered into rapacious killers. They have been turned into biomechanical horrors against their will and are unfeelingly sent to die at our hands for a goal they can no longer comprehend. Outside the battlefield, they deserve our pity. On the battlefield, we must do our duty and preserve our planet.


Our mission now is not only to stop the Star-Spawn but also to protect Earth and our species; we must prevent the Overmind from continuing its millennia-old campaign of conquest and subjugation.


“I pity the fool who tries to conquer my planet”

- Mr.T

Edited by Mad
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One word, AMAZING!!!!


I promote this version to V1.0 production quality (the first entry so far :D ), clean up the blue comment and send to press release. Excelent work guys, a real show of what cooperative work can do.



Red Knight

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One word, AMAZING!!!!


I promote this version to V1.0 production quality (the first entry so far :D ), clean up the blue comment and send to press release. Excelent work guys, a real show of what cooperative work can do.



Red Knight

:) Thanks RK! However, this is not completely done yet - there is still much we can do better!

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Guest Azrael

I'm touched most of my original ideas are still there ^_^


edit: btw, it's not "X-Corps: X-Net Entry://Pegasus.net/Alien/Research/Abductions", it's just "X-Net Entry://Pegasus.net/Alien/Research/Abductions"

Edited by Azrael
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X-Net://Pegasus.net/Alien/Research/Alien Goal


Our research division has finally pieced together enough information to decipher the Aliens' grand scheme behind their presence on Earth, as well as how they intend to accomplish their fiendish goals.


Evidence points to the fact that the arrival of the "Star-Spawn", as the Aliens refer to themselves as a collective group, in our Solar system has to be dated around 500 BC. We were able to triangulate a possible flight vector placing their origins at a location near Beta Persei approximately 115 light-years from Earth. Reasons unknown to us forced the ship occupied by the "Overmind" (as the ultimate Alien leader of the Star-Spawn is called)***** to crash land on Mars. To ensure its survival, the crippled ship placed the Overmind in stasis and kept only essential life support systems online, hoping to receive an answer to the automated distress signal broadcasted into space*. If Earths first radio transmissions at the end of the 19th century might have been interpreted as the anticipated answer, is not clear at this point, what we do know is that around this time something caused the ships computer to awaken the Overmind from stasis. Seeing a way out of its misery, it took interest in the Terrans, a species that had not been detected on his approach due to their previous lack of advanced technology.


From recovered UFO logs and Alien interrogations we know that the Overmind's minions had already established a presence on Earth in the late 1930s. We do not know exactly why it took the Overmind more than three decades to undertake activities on earth, however we suspect a massive cloning program as well as establishment of an operational base and construction of a medium sized fleet. Nevertheless, the purpose of these activities remains ambiguous, as no significant data is available. It is likely that the Aliens' operations consisted mainly of observation and harvesting of biological resources, however with the outbreak of World War II, they were able to gain a deep insight into the nature of Human psyches and military tactics used around the world, as nations collided in war against one another. The Overmind must have been very impressed with our ability to kill and destroy with no apparent remorse, no doubt, especially with the utter destruction of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945. Could you clarify why you think think sentence is out of line? I think it doesn't fit that bad, since this is more of a review than of a scientific report. No?


After a thorough sighting of worldwide intelligence agency archives, we are able to say, that human abductions presumably began in the 1960s; with the first report being made in 1961, the possibility of Alien presence on our world became real for a small portion of our planet’s population; however evidence was scarce and the Aliens' activities were almost completely unnoticed. Undoubtedly these abductions told the Aliens a great deal about our physiology and psychological profile, but they were particularly designed to decode the Human Genome; countless genetic experiments were performed upon Human subjects (X-Corps: X-Net Entry://Pegasus.net/Alien/Research/Abductions) aimed at achieving a more thorough understanding, and other, more sinister goals. Like? An example: Hybrid experimentation (used in Alien Infiltration)


One of the of the most notorious consequences*** of Alien research into the Human genome seems to be a sudden increase in psionic capabilities of the general population this leaves the reader with the feeling that there was a great deal of such modifications, otherwise the effect would barely be noticable (see ** later in this paragraph). In addition, at first we say “one of the most notorious consquences” and then “we speculate”? Naaah, simply wrong. There have always been legends and tales of men and women capable of performing the most amazing feats beyond human capacity; many of these merits were regarded as magical in nature, and its performers as mages and witches, as their practitioners could read thoughts or even lift objects without physical contact but by mere concentration of thought. Though these people tended to maintain their psionic nature a secret, an historical analysis by X-Corps scientists led to the discovery of an increased number of individuals capable of such actions in the last forty years**. It is speculated***, that this “psionic boom” is very much related with an Alien manipulation of Human DNA. Psionic abilities however, have proven to be inherent to the Human species****; our inability to make use of them is due to the general population’s lack of knowledge and training on these, as only very psionically strong subjects individuals are able to wield, or even notice, these aptitudes without training of any sort; it is likely that at least some DNA manipulations were precisely aimed at enhancing our natural psionic vocation.


Proposal for ***: Historical research has shown a strong correlation between the birth increase of psionically-capable (skilled? (due to ****)) individuals and Alien Research/Abductions in the corresponding areas.


When the Aliens’ presence became unquestionably evident for all governments around the world in 2011 after the first UFO was shot down and international intelligence agents had the opportunity to analyze the wreckage, the Aliens changed their tactics from mere observation to aggressive interaction; they had amassed all information they needed and proceeded enough information to proceed with decisive action. Unnecessary observation outposts were dismantled; human technology had advanced to the point where these poorly defensible research outposts could possibly be detected and easily captured. Military bases were erected to support the imminent Alien ground operations, Alien Freighters were dispatched from Thanatos to deliver necessary equipment and resources such as the precious Xenium-122 and Alien Composites. Construction of larger attack vessels began almost immediately after the downing of the first Alien Probe in 2011. We suspect that assembly of all UFOs takes place on Mars as only the necessary basic equipment for ship repairs, rearming and refueling (is there a collective name for these 3 operations?) was found on earth bases.


With our currently available intelligence on Alien operations we have finally uncovered the real objectives behind the Aliens’ efforts to conquer our planet: Integration of biological and material resources into the Star-Spawn, especially of mankind's great ability of creative thought. Of all the Alien species encountered, none was found to be acting on its own free will; all Alien creatures are manipulated by the being we know as***** the Overmind in order to gain a foothold on Earth. Our scientists agree that although all Alien species have been tampered with cybernetically or genetically to be more effective on the battlefield, they all once possessed untainted biologies, originated from planets of their own and were at some point in their history captured by the Overmind, freezing their social and technological development at the point of their assimilation into the Star-Spawn.


We have come to the conclusion that completely assimilating Earth's population into the Star-Spawn by mind controlling us would ultimately prove counter-productive for the Overmind. Instead, it seeks to brainwash us into willingly carrying out it's aimsfollowing its lead. That way it can make full use of our inborn abilities - being a natural combination of those that the Aliens' have obtained only through cybernetic and genetic modification. We are capable of developing strong psionic powers - comparable to those of the Cloaks. Our soldiers have proven to be a match on the battlefield even for the best Alien troops, and the Human brain structure is more developed than that of most Alien species’, second perhaps only to that of the Greys, but our great advancement of free thought, allowing for development of new strategies as well as technologies, is perhaps our greatest attribute so desperately needed by the Overmind to face those who forced it to retreat to our corner of the galaxy.* (hehehe, a bit out of place, don't you think? ;) )


Needing us "alive and unharmed" (can't find an alternative right now, but I think this should be changed) the Overmind has to refrain from using massive destruction weaponry, undoubtedly at his disposal,and instead try to infiltrate world governments to lure us into enslavement.


After analyzing possible flaws in this strategy being employed against us, we have come to the conclusion that all steps in the Star-Spawn’s tactics were the result of careful and calculated planning. Terror missions are the most viable way for the Aliens to seize power; to terrorize mankind to the point where individual nations submit to the them; signing treaties that would slowly grant full power to the Star-Spawn. The Overmind has plotted an intricate master plan, which, fortunately for us, has had the only flaw of underestimating us and the world leaders' willingness to stand together in desperate times. (do you also think that it needs some rewording after the “underestimating”?)


The fact that we, as unmodified humans, are succeeding in our stubborn resistance against the Overmind’s array of heavily-enhanced Aliens only demonstrates our potential and makes us all the more valuable. It makes us shudder for the future of the universe should we fail and become the latest brainwashed, gene-altered and machine-grafted minions of the Overmind. Considering it's plan to enslave and assimilate our species, we can view the other Aliens races, despite their induced hostility, as unfortunate slaves engineered into rapacious killers. They have been turned into biomechanical horrors against their will and are unfeelingly sent to die at our hands for a goal they can no longer comprehend. Outside the battlefield, they deserve our pity. On the battlefield, we must do our duty and preserve our planet.


Our mission now is not only to stop the Star-Spawn but also to protect Earth and our species; we must prevent the Overmind from continuing its millennial (probably wrong) campaign of conquest and subjugation.


“I pity the fool who tries to conquer my planet”

- Mr.T



*According to the backstory, the OM escaped its masters' control with a renegade fleet and made a random hyperjump in space in order to make them lose its tracks. Wouldn't it be silly to send a distress signal and give off its position? I propose something to these lines:

The OM was put in stasis and the ship's system were put in “stealth operation”, silently gathering resources and making automated tasks in order to slowly bring the mothership in its previous status. The OM would wake up in case a NON-HOSTILE signal was received, so that he could exploit the... “new resources” ;-). And blah blah the rest is known: He tried to clone humans, they were incompatible, he tried to gather more resources and conduct research in order to find a way to clone humans, then “he” saw that humans would soon find out about his presence, so he started the “brainwashing procedure”.

What do you think?



Btw I didn't look a the last 2 paragraphs, too tired sorry :(



Edited by kafros
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[...]btw, it's not "X-Corps: X-Net Entry://Pegasus.net/Alien/Research/Abductions", it's just "X-Net Entry://Pegasus.net/Alien/Research/Abductions"

In this case it is. The X-Corps does not belong to the XNet referrer, but it is the "name" of the author. Just like you would quote in a scientific paper where you write Miller et al. 2014: Destruction of the whole alien force by telling bad jokes - a preleminary analysis of the most deadliest joke on earth.




Here you go pal! Fizzzzzzzzzz...

Edited by Mad
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I don't see a conflict with the background story, since it is an automated distress signal. I included this as a story possibility for v2... :)

I deliberatly let the "more sinister goals" speak for themselves - gaining tension that way.


oookeeeyyy.... let's see.. how do you like this one:



X-Net://Pegasus.net/Alien/Research/Alien Goal


Our research division has finally pieced together enough information to decipher the Aliens' grand scheme behind their presence on Earth, as well as how they intend to accomplish their fiendish goals.


Evidence points to the fact that the arrival of the "Star-Spawn", as the Aliens refer to themselves as a collective group, in our Solar system has to be dated around 500 BC. We were able to triangulate a possible flight vector placing their origins at a location near Beta Persei approximately 115 light-years from Earth. Reasons unknown to us forced the ship occupied by the "Overmind" - as we chose to call the Alien leader of the Star-Spawn - to crash land on Mars. To ensure its survival, the crippled ship placed the Overmind in stasis and kept only essential life support systems online, hoping to receive an answer to the automated distress signal broadcasted into space. If Earths first radio transmissions at the end of the 19th century might have been interpreted as the anticipated answer or were just analyzed as non-hostile and possibly exploitable, is not clear at this point, what we do know is that around this time something caused the ships computer to awaken the Overmind from stasis. Seeing a way out of its misery, it took interest in the Terrans, a species that had not been detected on his approach due to their previous lack of advanced technology.


From recovered UFO logs and Alien interrogations we learned that the Overmind's minions had already established a presence on Earth in the late 1930s. We do not know exactly why it took the Overmind more than three decades to undertake activities on earth, however we suspect a massive cloning program as well as establishment of an operational base and construction of a medium sized fleet. Nevertheless, the purpose of these activities remains ambiguous, as no significant data is available. It is likely that the Aliens' operations consisted mainly of observation and harvesting of biological resources, however with the outbreak of World War II, they were able to gain a deep insight into the nature of Human psyches and military tactics used around the world, as nations collided in war against one another. The Overmind must have been very impressed with our ability to kill and destroy with no apparent remorse, no doubt, especially with the utter destruction of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945.


After a thorough sighting of worldwide intelligence agency archives, we are able to say that human abductions presumably began in the 1960s; with the first report being made in 1961, the possibility of Alien presence on our world became real for a small portion of our planet’s population; however evidence was scarce and the Aliens' activities were almost completely unnoticed. Undoubtedly these abductions told the Aliens a great deal about our physiology and psychological profile, but they were particularly designed to decode the Human Genome; countless genetic experiments were performed upon Human subjects (X-Corps: X-Net Entry://Pegasus.net/Alien/Research/Abductions) aimed at achieving a more thorough understanding, and other, more sinister goals.


Historical research has shown a strong correlation between a birth increase of psionically-skilled individuals and Alien Research/Abductions in the corresponding areas. There have always been legends and tales of men and women capable of performing the most amazing feats beyond human capacity; many of these merits were regarded as magical in nature, as their practitioners could read thoughts or even lift objects without physical contact but by mere concentration of thought. Though these people tended to maintain their psionic nature a secret, the historical analysis by X-Corps scientists led to the discovery of an increased number of individuals capable of such actions in the last forty years. It is speculated that this “psionic boom” is very much related with an Alien manipulation of Human DNA. Psionic abilities however, have proven to be inherent to the Human species; our inability to make use of them is due to the general population’s lack of knowledge and training on these, as only very psionically strong subjects are able to wield, or even notice, these aptitudes without training of any sort; it is likely that at least some DNA manipulations were precisely aimed at enhancing our natural psionic vocation.


When the Aliens’ presence became unquestionably evident for all governments around the world in 2011 after the first UFO was shot down and international intelligence agents had the opportunity to analyze the wreckage, the Aliens changed their tactics from mere observation to aggressive interaction; they had amassed enough information to proceed with decisive action. Unnecessary observation outposts were dismantled - human technology had advanced to the point where these poorly defensible research outposts could possibly be detected and easily captured. Military bases were erected to support the imminent Alien ground operations, Alien Freighters were dispatched from Thanatos to deliver necessary equipment and resources such as the precious Xenium-122 and Alien Composites. Construction of larger attack vessels began almost immediately after the downing of the first Alien Probe in 2011. We suspect that assembly of all UFOs takes place on Mars as only basic maintenance equipment was found on earth bases.


With our currently available intelligence on Alien operations we have finally uncovered the real objectives behind the Aliens’ efforts to conquer our planet: Integration of biological and material resources into the Star-Spawn, especially of mankind's great ability of creative thought. Of all the Alien species encountered, none was found to be acting on its own free will; all Alien creatures are manipulated by the Overmind in order to gain a foothold on Earth. Our scientists agree that although all Alien species have been tampered with cybernetically or genetically to be more effective on the battlefield, they all once possessed untainted biologies, originated from planets of their own and were at some point in their history captured by the Overmind, freezing their social and technological development at the point of their assimilation into the Star-Spawn.


We have come to the conclusion that completely assimilating Earth's population into the Star-Spawn by mind controlling us would ultimately prove counterproductive for the Overmind. Instead, it seeks to brainwash us into willingly following its lead. That way it can make full use of our inborn abilities - being a natural combination of those that the Aliens' have obtained only through cybernetic and genetic modification. We are capable of developing strong psionic powers - comparable to those of the Cloaks. Our soldiers have proven to be a match on the battlefield even for the best Alien troops, and the Human brain structure is more developed than that of most Alien species’, second only to that of the Greys, but our great advancement of free thought, allowing for development of new strategies as well as technologies, is perhaps our greatest attribute so desperately needed by the Overmind to face those who forced it to retreat to our corner of the galaxy.* (hehehe, a bit out of place, don't you think? ;) ) Yes? Why?


Needing us "alive and unharmed" (can't find an alternative right now, but I think this should be changed) don't think it sounds too bad. the Overmind has to refrain from using massive destruction weaponry, undoubtedly at his disposal,and instead try to infiltrate world governments to lure us into enslavement.


After analyzing possible flaws in this strategy being employed against us, we have come to the conclusion that all steps in the Star-Spawn’s tactics were the result of careful and calculated planning. Terror missions are the most viable way for the Aliens to seize power; to terrorize mankind to the point where individual nations submit to the them; signing treaties that would slowly grant full power to the Star-Spawn. The Overmind has plotted an intricate master plan, which, fortunately for us, had the only flaw of underestimating mankinds willingness to stand together in desperate times.


The fact that we, as unmodified humans, are succeeding in our stubborn resistance against the Overmind’s array of heavily-enhanced Aliens only demonstrates our potential and makes us all the more valuable. It makes us shudder for the future of the universe should we fail and become the latest brainwashed, gene-altered and machine-grafted minions of the Overmind. Considering it's plan to enslave and assimilate our species, we can view the other Aliens races, despite their induced hostility, as unfortunate slaves engineered into rapacious killers. They have been turned into biomechanical horrors against their will and are unfeelingly sent to die at our hands for a goal they can no longer comprehend. Outside the battlefield, they deserve our pity. On the battlefield, we must do our duty and preserve our planet.


Our mission now is not only to stop the Star-Spawn but also to protect Earth and our species; we must prevent the Overmind from continuing its millennia-old campaign of conquest and subjugation.


“I pity the fool who tries to conquer my planet”

- Mr.T

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Guest Azrael

[...]btw, it's not "X-Corps: X-Net Entry://Pegasus.net/Alien/Research/Abductions", it's just "X-Net Entry://Pegasus.net/Alien/Research/Abductions"

In this case it is. The X-Corps does not belong to the XNet referrer, but it is the "name" of the author. Just like you would quote in a scientific paper where you write Miller et al. 2014: Destruction of the whole alien force by telling bad jokes - a preleminary analysis of the most deadliest joke on earth.




Here you go pal! Fizzzzzzzzzz...

Not sure what you mean, that was not a quote, it's a reference to the 'address' that contains the info about abductions, and since it's internal information, this is, not from external sources to X-Corps, is kinda nonsensical to say that it's from X-Corps.

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Not sure what you mean, that was not a quote, it's a reference to the 'address' that contains the info about abductions, and since it's internal information, this is, not from external sources to X-Corps, is kinda nonsensical to say that it's from X-Corps.

You got a point with the internal reference. But I didn't say it's a quote. It's a reference showing where the quote/information came from originally. And this can - at least in my imagination - be any document in the XNet which doesn't necessarily have to be X-Corps material. I just always thought of the XNet as a kind of network accessible for (certain people of ) all funding nations, and containing a lot more material than we can see in the game. So in this case it would make sense to clarify whether an article was written by X-Corps itself or is just compiled material from another agency or was maybe written by external researcher teams.

But maybe my fantasy went through with me...

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Guest Azrael

Not sure what you mean, that was not a quote, it's a reference to the 'address' that contains the info about abductions, and since it's internal information, this is, not from external sources to X-Corps, is kinda nonsensical to say that it's from X-Corps.

You got a point with the internal reference. But I didn't say it's a quote. It's a reference showing where the quote/information came from originally. And this can - at least in my imagination - be any document in the XNet which doesn't necessarily have to be X-Corps material. I just always thought of the XNet as a kind of network accessible for (certain people of ) all funding nations, and containing a lot more material than we can see in the game. So in this case it would make sense to clarify whether an article was written by X-Corps itself or is just compiled material from another agency or was maybe written by external researcher teams.

But maybe my fantasy went through with me...

Then we just have different ideas of what the X-Net is supposed to be, I always considered it to be X-Corps internal network/database, same was the UFOPAEDIA was that and nothing else.


I think it's redundant and, quite frankly, looks very odd unless you modify other texts to show references to other sources than X-Corps, like "China: X-Net Entry blah blah".

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[...]I think it's redundant and, quite frankly, looks very odd unless you modify other texts to show references to other sources than X-Corps, like "China: X-Net Entry blah blah".


Hm.. I see your point. (though I don't like it... ;) (because I think it looks nice and gives the Player for one the feeling to read a scientific text (at least for those who are used to reading those) and second a hint to a much larger XNet than that he is currently able to access) )

And yes, actually I wanted to do just like that in time - filling the XNet with more and more CTs not directly necessary for gameplay and not X-Corps written, but nevertheless connected to the story and a good read to intensify atmosphere. But this is something for the far future.


What do you others think? Do you agree with Az? :)

Edited by Mad
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[...]I think it's redundant and, quite frankly, looks very odd unless you modify other texts to show references to other sources than X-Corps, like "China: X-Net Entry blah blah".


Hm.. I see your point. (though I don't like it... ;) (because I think it looks nice and gives the Player for one the feeling to read a scientific text (at least for those who are used to reading those) and second a hint to a much larger XNet than that he is currently able to access) )

And yes, actually I wanted to do just like that in time - filling the XNet with more and more CTs not directly necessary for gameplay and not X-Corps written, but nevertheless connected to the story and a good read to intensify atmosphere. But this is something for the far future.


What do you others think? Do you agree with Az? :)

As you can see I removed it altogether, as the player who enjoys reading the X-Net will have already read+understood+remembered_about the specific entry (abductions that is). Those who don't really care won't really need it either...


On the other side (of the equation or the gun? OMG) it gives the text a nice "touch". BUT, I think that it's a bit silly to see this kind of reference only in Alien Goal and not in any other text.


So, if all texts (that need to be changed) are changed accordingly, I agree with you. But, I guess that's something cumbersome and silly to do, so we're only talking about Alien goal, so I agree with Azzy.

Edited by kafros
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MWahahahahhaha I am a recruit (thnx mad for pointing this out ;) ) I can post my own responses hahaha... sorry almost over it ;)


Our research division has finally pieced together enough information to decipher the Aliens' grand scheme behind their presence on Earth, as well as how they intend to accomplish their fiendish goals.


Evidence points to the fact that the arrival of the "Star-Spawn", as the Aliens refer to themselves as a collective group, in our Solar system has to be dated around 500 BC. We were able to triangulate a possible flight vector placing their origins at a location near Beta Persei approximately 115 light-years from Earth. Reasons unknown to us forced the ship occupied by the "Overmind" - as we chose to call refer to the Alien leader of the Star-Spawn - to crash land on Mars. To ensure its survival, the crippled ship placed the Overmind in stasis and kept only essential life support systems online, hoping to receive an answer to the automated distress signal broadcasted into space. If Earths first radio transmissions at the end of the 19th century might have been interpreted as the anticipated answer or were we mayhave just been analyzed as non-hostile and possibly exploitable, is not clear at this point, what we do know is that around this time something caused the ships computer to awaken the Overmind from stasis. Seeing a way out of its misery, it took interest in the Terrans, a species that had not been detected on his approach due to their previous lack of advanced technology.


From recovered UFO logs and Alien interrogations we learned that the Overmind's minions had already established a presence on Earth in the late 1930s. We do not know exactly why it took the Overmind more than three decades to undertake activities on earth, however we suspect a massive cloning program as well as establishment of an operational base and construction of a medium sized fleet. Nevertheless, the purpose of these activities remains ambiguous, as no significant data is available. It is likely that the Aliens' operations consisted mainly of observation and harvesting of biological resources, however with the outbreak of World War II, they were able to gain a deep insight into the nature of Human psyches and military tactics used around the world, as nations collided in war against one another. The Overmind must have been was obviouslyLast ditch attempt no reason, cant explain. If it is no better than i will never mention it again very impressed with our ability to kill and destroy with no apparent remorse, no doubt, especially with the utter destruction of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945.


After a thorough sighting of worldwide intelligence agency archives, we are able to say that human abductions presumably began in the 1960s; with the first report being made in 1961, the possibility of Alien presence on our world became real for a small portion of our planet’s population; however evidence was scarce and the Aliens' activities were almost completely unnoticed. Undoubtedly these abductions told the Aliens a great deal about our physiology and psychological profile, but they were particularly designed to decode the Human Genome; countless genetic experiments were performed upon Human subjects (X-Corps: X-Net Entry://Pegasus.net/Alien/Research/Abductions) aimed at achieving a more thorough understanding, and other, more sinister goals.


Historical research has shown a strong correlation between a birth increase of psionically-skilled individuals and Alien Research/Abductions in the corresponding areas. There have always been legends and tales of men and women capable of performing the most amazing feats beyond human capacity; many of these merits were regarded as magical in nature, as their practitioners could read thoughts or even lift objects without physical contact but by mere concentration of thought. Though these people tended to maintain their psionic nature a secret, the historical analysis by X-Corps scientists led to the discovery of an increased number of individuals capable of such actions in the last forty years. It is speculated that this “psionic boom” is very much related with an Alien manipulation of Human DNA. Psionic abilities however, have proven to be inherent to the Human species; our inability to make use of them is due to the general population’s lack of knowledge and training on these, as only very psionically strong subjects are able to wield, or even notice, these aptitudes without training of any sort; it is likely that at least some DNA manipulations were precisely aimed at enhancing our natural psionic vocation.


When the Aliens’ presence became unquestionably evident for all governments around the world in 2011 after the first UFO was shot down and international intelligence agents had the opportunity to analyze the wreckage, the Aliens changed their tactics from mere observation to aggressive interaction; they had amassed enough information to proceed with decisive action. Unnecessary observation outposts were dismantled - human technology had advanced to the point where these poorly defensible research outposts could possibly be detected and easily captured. Military bases were erected to support the imminent Alien ground operations, Alien Freighters were dispatched from Thanatos to deliver necessary equipment and resources such as the precious Xenium-122 and Alien Composites. Construction of larger attack vessels began almost immediately after the downing of the first Alien Probe in 2011. We suspect that assembly of all UFOs takes place on Mars as only basic maintenance equipment was found on earth bases.


With our currently available intelligence on Alien operations we have finally uncovered the real objectives behind the Aliens’ efforts to conquer our planet: Integration of biological and material resources into the Star-Spawn, especially of mankind's great ability of creative thought. Of all the Alien species encountered, none was found to be acting on its own free will; all Alien creatures are manipulated by the Overmind in order to gain a foothold on Earth. Our scientists agree that although all Alien species have been tampered with cybernetically or genetically to be more effective on the battlefield, they all once possessed untainted biologies, originated from planets of their own and were at some point in their history captured by the Overmind, freezing their social and technological development at the point of their assimilation into the Star-Spawn.


We have come to the conclusion that completely assimilating Earth's population into the Star-Spawn by mind controlling us would ultimately prove counterproductive for the Overmind. Instead, it seeks to brainwash us into willingly following its lead. That way it can make full use of our inborn abilities - being a natural combination of those that the Aliens' have obtained only through cybernetic and genetic modification. We are capable of developing strong psionic powers - comparable to those of the Cloaks. Our soldiers have proven to be a match on the battlefield even for the best Alien troops, and the Human brain structure is more developed than that of most Alien species’, second only to that of the Greys, but our great advancement of free thought, allowing for development of new strategies as well as technologies, is perhaps our greatest attribute so desperately needed by the Overmind to face those who forced it to retreat to our corner of the galaxy.* (hehehe, a bit out of place, don't you think? ) Yes? Why?


Needing us "alive and unharmed" (can't find an alternative right now, but I think this should be changed) don't think it sounds too badAgreed, sounds good.the Overmind has to refrain from using massive destruction weaponry, undoubtedly at his disposal,and instead try to infiltrate world governments to lure us into enslavement.


After analyzing possible flaws in this strategy being employed against us, we have come to the conclusion that all steps in the Star-Spawn’s tactics were the result of careful and calculated planning. Terror missions are the most viable way for the Aliens to seize power; to terrorize mankind to the point where individual nations submit to the them; signing treaties that would slowly grant full power to the Star-Spawn. The Overmind has plotted an intricate master plan, which, fortunately for us, hads? the only flaw of underestimating mankinds willingness to stand together in desperate times.


The fact that we, as unmodified humansdoes terrestrials sound better? or perhaps ...,as geneticaly unmodified humans, just to stick it in the... you know... a reandom question?, are succeeding in our stubborn resistance against the Overmind’s array of heavily-enhanced Aliens only demonstrates our potential and makes us all the more valuable. It makes us shudder for the future of the universe should we fail and become the latest brainwashed, gene-altered and machine-grafted minions of the Overmind. Considering it's plan to enslave and assimilate our species, we can view the other Aliens races, despite their induced hostility, as unfortunate slaves engineered into rapacious killers. They have been turned into biomechanical horrors against their will and are unfeelingly sent to die at our hands for a goal they can no longer comprehend. Outside the battlefield, they deserve our pity. On the battlefield, we must do our duty and preserve our planet.


Our mission now is not only to stop the Star-Spawn but also to protect Earth and our species; we must prevent the Overmind from continuing its millennia-old campaign of conquest and subjugation.


“I pity the fool who tries to conquer my planet”

- Mr.T




I love it all.... All of it... every last single drop\

Especially Mr T



*Edit Hmmmm no colors... I will try and fix this...

Edited by Davo
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Evidence points to the fact that the arrival of the "Star-Spawn", as the Aliens refer to themselves as a collective group, in our Solar system has to be dated around 500 BC. We were able to triangulate a possible flight vector placing their origins at a location near Beta Persei approximately 115 light-years from Earth. Reasons unknown to us forced the ship occupied by the "Overmind" - as we chose to call refer to the Alien leader of the Star-Spawn - to crash land on Mars. To ensure its survival, the crippled ship placed the Overmind in stasis and kept only essential life support systems online, hoping to receive an answer to the automated distress signal broadcasted into space. IfEarths first radio transmissions at the end of the 19th century might have been interpreted as the anticipated answer or were we may have just been analyzed as non-hostile and possibly exploitable, is not clear at this point, what we do know is that around this time something caused the ships computer to awaken the Overmind from stasis. Seeing a way out of its misery, it took interest in the Terrans, a species that had not been detected on his approach due to their previous lack of advanced technology.


From recovered UFO logs and Alien interrogations we learned that the Overmind's minions had already established a presence on Earth in the late 1930s. We do not know exactly why it took the Overmind more than three decades to undertake activities on earth, however we suspect a massive cloning program as well as establishment of an operational base and construction of a medium sized fleet. Nevertheless, the purpose of these activities remains ambiguous, as no significant data is available. It is likely that the Aliens' operations consisted mainly of observation and harvesting of biological resources, however with the outbreak of World War II, they were able to gain a deep insight into the nature of Human psyches and military tactics used around the world, as nations collided in war against one another. The Overmind must have been was obviously Last ditch attempt ;) no reason, cant explain. If it is no better than i will never mention it again :) very impressed with our ability to kill and destroy with no apparent remorse, no doubt, especially with the utter destruction of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945.




We have come to the conclusion that completely assimilating Earth's population into the Star-Spawn by mind controlling us would ultimately prove counterproductive for the Overmind. Instead, it seeks to brainwash us into willingly following its lead. That way it can make full use of our inborn abilities - being a natural combination of those that the Aliens' have obtained only through cybernetic and genetic modification. We are capable of developing strong psionic powers - comparable to those of the Cloaks. Our soldiers have proven to be a match on the battlefield even for the best Alien troops, and the Human brain structure is more developed than that of most Alien species’, second only to that of the Greys, but our great advancement of free thought, allowing for development of new strategies as well as technologies, is perhaps our greatest attribute so desperately needed by the Overmind to face those who forced it to retreat to our corner of the galaxy.* (hehehe, a bit out of place, don't you think? ) Yes? Why?




The fact that we, as unmodified humans does terrestrials sound better? or perhaps ...,as geneticaly unmodified humans, just to stick it in the... you know... a random question?, are succeeding in our stubborn resistance against the Overmind’s array of heavily-enhanced Aliens only demonstrates our potential and makes us all the more valuable. It makes us shudder for the future of the universe should we fail and become the latest brainwashed, gene-altered and machine-grafted minions of the Overmind. Considering it's plan to enslave and assimilate our species, we can view the other Aliens races, despite their induced hostility, as unfortunate slaves engineered into rapacious killers. They have been turned into biomechanical horrors against their will and are unfeelingly sent to die at our hands for a goal they can no longer comprehend. Outside the battlefield, they deserve our pity. On the battlefield, we must do our duty and preserve our planet.




RK edit: Quotes

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next draft.



X-Net://Pegasus.net/Alien/Research/Alien Goal


Our research division has finally pieced together enough information to decipher the Aliens' grand scheme behind their presence on Earth, as well as how they intend to accomplish their fiendish goals.


Evidence points to the fact that the arrival of the "Star-Spawn", as the Aliens refer to themselves as a collective group, in our Solar system has to be dated around 500 BC. We were able to triangulate a possible flight vector placing their origins at a location near Beta Persei approximately 115 light-years from Earth. Reasons unknown to us forced the ship occupied by the "Overmind" - as we refer to the Alien leader of the Star-Spawn - to crash land on Mars. To ensure its survival, the crippled ship placed the Overmind in stasis and kept only essential life support systems online, hoping to receive an answer to the automated distress signal broadcasted into space. If Earths first radio transmissions at the end of the 19th century might have been interpreted as the anticipated answer or were the transmitions, not we. Davo, you changed the meaning of the sentence with your comment. :) just analyzed as non-hostile and possibly exploitable, is not clear at this point, what we do know is that around this time something caused the ships computer to awaken the Overmind from stasis. Seeing a way out of its misery, it took interest in the Terrans, a species that had not been detected on his approach due to their previous lack of advanced technology.


From recovered UFO logs and Alien interrogations we learned that the Overmind's minions had already established a presence on Earth in the late 1930s. We do not know exactly why it took the Overmind more than three decades to undertake activities on earth, however we suspect a massive cloning program as well as establishment of an operational base and construction of a medium sized fleet. Nevertheless, the purpose of these activities remains ambiguous, as no significant data is available. It is likely that the Aliens' operations consisted mainly of observation and harvesting of biological resources, however with the outbreak of World War II, they were able to gain a deep insight into the nature of Human psyches and military tactics used around the world, as nations collided in war against one another. The Overmind must have been very impressed with our ability to kill and destroy with no apparent remorse, no doubt, especially with the utter destruction of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945.


After a thorough sighting of worldwide intelligence agency archives, we are able to say that human abductions presumably began in the 1960s; with the first report being made in 1961, the possibility of Alien presence on our world became real for a small portion of our planet’s population; however evidence was scarce and the Aliens' activities were almost completely unnoticed. Undoubtedly these abductions told the Aliens a great deal about our physiology and psychological profile, but they were particularly designed to decode the Human Genome; countless genetic experiments were performed upon Human subjects aimed at achieving a more thorough understanding, and other, more sinister goals.


Historical research has shown a strong correlation between a birth increase of psionically-skilled individuals and Alien Research/Abductions in the corresponding areas. There have always been legends and tales of men and women capable of performing the most amazing feats beyond human capacity; many of these merits were regarded as magical in nature, as their practitioners could read thoughts or even lift objects without physical contact but by mere concentration of thought. Though these people tended to maintain their psionic nature a secret, the historical analysis by X-Corps scientists led to the discovery of an increased number of individuals capable of such actions in the last forty years. It is speculated that this “psionic boom” is very much related with an Alien manipulation of Human DNA. Psionic abilities however, have proven to be inherent to the Human species; our inability to make use of them is due to the general population’s lack of knowledge and training on these, as only very psionically strong subjects are able to wield, or even notice, these aptitudes without training of any sort; it is likely that at least some DNA manipulations were precisely aimed at enhancing our natural psionic vocation.


When the Aliens’ presence became unquestionably evident for all governments around the world in 2011 after the first UFO was shot down and international intelligence agents had the opportunity to analyze the wreckage, the Aliens changed their tactics from mere observation to aggressive interaction; they had amassed enough information to proceed with decisive action. Unnecessary observation outposts were dismantled - human technology had advanced to the point where these poorly defensible research outposts could possibly be detected and easily captured. Military bases were erected to support the imminent Alien ground operations, Alien Freighters were dispatched from Thanatos to deliver necessary equipment and resources such as the precious Xenium-122 and Alien Composites. Construction of larger attack vessels began almost immediately after the downing of the first Alien Probe in 2011. We suspect that assembly of all UFOs takes place on Mars as only basic maintenance equipment was found on earth bases.


With our currently available intelligence on Alien operations we have finally uncovered the real objectives behind the Aliens’ efforts to conquer our planet: Integration of biological and material resources into the Star-Spawn, especially of mankind's great ability of creative thought. Of all the Alien species encountered, none was found to be acting on its own free will; all Alien creatures are manipulated by the Overmind in order to gain a foothold on Earth. Our scientists agree that although all Alien species have been tampered with cybernetically or genetically to be more effective on the battlefield, they all once possessed untainted biologies, originated from planets of their own and were at some point in their history captured by the Overmind, freezing their social and technological development at the point of their assimilation into the Star-Spawn.


We have come to the conclusion that completely assimilating Earth's population into the Star-Spawn by mind controlling us would ultimately prove counterproductive for the Overmind. Instead, it seeks to brainwash us into willingly following its lead. That way it can make full use of our inborn abilities - being a natural combination of those that the Aliens' have obtained only through cybernetic and genetic modification. We are capable of developing strong psionic powers - comparable to those of the Cloaks. Our soldiers have proven to be a match on the battlefield even for the best Alien troops, and the Human brain structure is more developed than that of most Alien species’, second only to that of the Greys, but our great advancement of free thought, allowing for development of new strategies as well as technologies, is perhaps our greatest attribute so desperately needed by the Overmind to face those who forced it to retreat to our corner of the galaxy.


Needing us "alive and unharmed" the Overmind has to refrain from using massive destruction weaponry, undoubtedly at his disposal,and instead try to infiltrate world governments to lure us into enslavement.


After analyzing possible flaws in this strategy being employed against us, we have come to the conclusion that all steps in the Star-Spawn’s tactics were the result of careful and calculated planning. Terror missions are the most viable way for the Aliens to seize power; to terrorize mankind to the point where individual nations submit to the them; signing treaties that would slowly grant full power to the Star-Spawn. The Overmind has plotted an intricate master plan, which, fortunately for us, had the only flaw of underestimating mankinds willingness to stand together in desperate times.


The fact that we, as genetically unmodified humans, are succeeding in our stubborn resistance against the Overmind’s array of heavily-enhanced Aliens only demonstrates our potential and makes us all the more valuable. It makes us shudder for the future of the universe should we fail and become the latest brainwashed, gene-altered and machine-grafted minions of the Overmind. Considering it's plan to enslave and assimilate our species, we can view the other Aliens races, despite their induced hostility, as unfortunate slaves engineered into rapacious killers. They have been turned into biomechanical horrors against their will and are unfeelingly sent to die at our hands for a goal they can no longer comprehend. Outside the battlefield, they deserve our pity. On the battlefield, we must do our duty and preserve our planet.


Our mission now is not only to stop the Star-Spawn but also to protect Earth and our species; we must prevent the Overmind from continuing its millennia-old campaign of conquest and subjugation.


“I pity the fool who tries to conquer my planet”

- Mr.T

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next draft.



X-Net://Pegasus.net/Alien/Research/Alien Goal


Our research division has finally pieced together enough information to decipher the Aliens' grand scheme behind their presence on Earth, as well as how they intend to accomplish their fiendish goals.


Evidence points to the fact that the arrival of the "Star-Spawn", as the Aliens refer to themselves as a collective group, in our Solar system has to be dated around 500 BC. We were able to triangulate a possible flight vector placing their origins at a location near Beta Persei approximately 115 light-years from Earth. Reasons unknown to us forced the ship occupied by the "Overmind" - as we refer to the Alien leader of the Star-Spawn - to crash land on Mars. To ensure its survival, the crippled ship placed the Overmind in stasis and kept only essential life support systems online, hoping to receive an answer to the automated distress signal broadcasted into space. If Earths first radio transmissions at the end of the 19th century might have been interpreted as the anticipated answer or were the transmitions, not we. Davo, you changed the meaning of the sentence with your comment. :) My bad :) but I cant seem to make sense of this sentence... I'm really hung over but my precisous little mind just cant seem to grasp what it means... The sentenece starts with if (suggesting a question is coming...maybe) I dont know.... my head hurts too much. Im sorry.... the sentence doesnt seem to make sense, look at it wholly put together... just analyzed as non-hostile and possibly exploitable, is not clear at this point, what we do know is that around this time something caused the ships computer to awaken the Overmind from stasis. Seeing a way out of its misery, it took interest in the Terrans, a species that had not been detected on his approach due to their previous lack of advanced technology.

If Earths first radio transmissions at the end of the 19th century might have been interpreted as the anticipated answer or were just analyzed as non-hostile and possibly exploitable, is not clear at this point, what we do know is that around this time something caused the ships computer to awaken the Overmind from stasis. Makes sense to everyone? Ill be quiet. My bad...


enjoy your stay

Cheers mate :)

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Makes sense to everyone? Ill be quiet. My bad...
OMG DON'T! -.-' Mad still loves you :wub:



Indeed that little part could use some re-wording... Let's see...


Whenever Earth's first radio transmissions were interpreted as the anticipated answer or simply analyzed as non-hostile and possibly exploitable, is not yet clear. Nevertheless, we do know that circa 1900, something caused the mothership's computer to awaken the Overmind from stasis.
Much better, nay? :yarr: Edited by kafros
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Whenever Earth's first radio transmissions were interpreted as the anticipated answer or simply analyzed as non-hostile and possibly exploitable, is not yet clear. Nevertheless, we do know that circa 1900, something caused the mothership's computer to awaken the Overmind from stasis.
Much better, nay? :yarr:

Guys, maybe I'm completely on the wrong track, but it's not a matter of when, it's a matter of "if". They did get the radio signals. But we dont know if they were analyzed as I) the anticipated answer, II) not hostile, but it's source be exploitable III) hat no effect whatsoever and the OM was awakened because of something completely different. Maybe a midnight snack. Who knows. So, with ths knowledge, how do we make a nice sentence out of my crap, so that everyone gets the point? :)

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Makes sense to everyone? Ill be quiet. My bad...
OMG DON'T! -.-' Mad still loves you :wub:



Indeed that little part could use some re-wording... Let's see...


Whenever Earth's first radio transmissions were interpreted as the anticipated answer or simply analyzed as non-hostile and possibly exploitable, is not yet clear. Nevertheless, we do know that circa 1900, something caused the mothership's computer to awaken the Overmind from stasis.
Much better, nay? :yarr:


Mad Loves me? Yippeeee!!!!!


Hmmmm.... as too our CT.... Im just going to you know, throw it out there. Just throwing it out there, you know. And if you like it then, you know, take it. if not... Well no.

SOrry, watched Anchorman too much. Let me see.... What i propose..(what i put forward in all my wee little years of livng and knowledge) is just a rephrasing, and a point to work from. Hows about something like


At this point it is not clear if Earths first radio transmissions at the end of the 19th century had any impact upon the awakening of the overmind. The transmissions might have been interpreted as the long anticipated answer to the distress signal or may simply have been analyzed as non-hostile and possibly exploitable. Alternatively, we may have had nothing to do with the awakening of the overmind and he may have simply been hungry and awoken for a midnight snack.


Hows that? :P Sorry, mad but you call your stuff crap so i had to give it to ya ;) and we all know your stuff isnt crap. So apart from the last sentence... how do we evolve from here?


Or Alternatively

Earths first radio transmissions at the end of the 19th century might have been picked up by the star-spawn and may have been interpreted as the anticipated answer or perhaps just analyzed as non-hostile and possibly exploitable, is not clear at this point, what we do know is that around this time something caused the ships computer to awaken the Overmind from stasis.


P.S. Why are Pirates called Pirates?

Because the ARGGHHHH :yarr: HAHAHAHA.. HAHAHAH.haha .. ha sorry.

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I actually like this
At this point it is not clear if Earths first radio transmissions at the end of the 19th century had any impact upon the awakening of the overmind. The transmissions might have been interpreted as the long anticipated answer to the distress signal or may simply have been analyzed as non-hostile and possibly exploitable.
very much! :) Will be incorporated in the next draft. anymore comments on the most recent version?
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X-Net://Pegasus.net/Alien/Research/Alien Goal


Our research division has finally pieced together enough information to decipher the Aliens' grand scheme behind their presence on Earth, as well as how they intend to accomplish their fiendish goals.


Evidence points to the fact that the arrival of the "Star-Spawn", as the Aliens refer to themselves as a collective group, in our Solar system has to be dated around 500 BC. We were able to triangulate a possible flight vector placing their origins at a location near Beta Persei approximately 115 light-years from Earth. Reasons unknown to us forced the ship occupied by the "Overmind" - as we refer to the Alien leader of the Star-Spawn - to crash land on Mars. To ensure its survival, the crippled ship placed the Overmind in stasis and kept only essential life support systems online, hoping to receive an answer to the automated distress signal broadcasted into space. At this point it is not clear if Earths first radio transmissions at the end of the 19th century had any impact upon the awakening of the Overmind. The transmissions might have been interpreted as the long anticipated answer to the distress signal or may simply have been analyzed as non-hostile and possibly exploitable. What we do know is that around this time something caused the ships computer to awaken the Overmind from stasis. Seeing a way out of its misery, it took interest in the Terrans, a species that had not been detected on his approach due to their previous lack of advanced technology.


From recovered UFO logs and Alien interrogations we learned that the Overmind's minions had already established a presence on Earth in the late 1930s. We do not know exactly why it took the Overmind more than three decades to undertake activities on earth, however we suspect a massive cloning program as well as establishment of an operational base and construction of a medium sized fleet. Nevertheless, the purpose of these activities remains ambiguous, as no significant data is available. It is likely that the Aliens' operations consisted mainly of observation and harvesting of biological resources, however with the outbreak of World War II, they were able to gain a deep insight into the nature of Human psyches and military tactics used around the world, as nations collided in war against one another. The Overmind must have been very impressed with our ability to kill and destroy with no apparent remorse, no doubt, especially with the utter destruction of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945.


After a thorough sighting of worldwide intelligence agency archives, we are able to say that human abductions presumably began in the 1960s; with the first report being made in 1961, the possibility of Alien presence on our world became real for a small portion of our planet’s population; however evidence was scarce and the Aliens' activities were almost completely unnoticed. Undoubtedly these abductions told the Aliens a great deal about our physiology and psychological profile, but they were particularly designed to decode the Human Genome; countless genetic experiments were performed upon Human subjects aimed at achieving a more thorough understanding, and other, more sinister goals.


Historical research has shown a strong correlation between a birth increase of psionically-skilled individuals and Alien Research/Abductions in the corresponding areas. There have always been legends and tales of men and women capable of performing the most amazing feats beyond human capacity; many of these merits were regarded as magical in nature, as their practitioners could read thoughts or even lift objects without physical contact but by mere concentration of thought. Though these people tended to maintain their psionic nature a secret, the historical analysis by X-Corps scientists led to the discovery of an increased number of individuals capable of such actions in the last forty years. It is speculated that this “psionic boom” is very much related with an Alien manipulation of Human DNA. Psionic abilities however, have proven to be inherent to the Human species; our inability to make use of them is due to the general population’s lack of knowledge and training on these, as only very psionically strong subjects are able to wield, or even notice, these aptitudes without training of any sort; it is likely that at least some DNA manipulations were precisely aimed at enhancing our natural psionic vocation.


When the Aliens’ presence became unquestionably evident for all governments around the world in 2011 after the first UFO was shot down and international intelligence agents had the opportunity to analyze the wreckage, the Aliens changed their tactics from mere observation to aggressive interaction; they had amassed enough information to proceed with decisive action. Unnecessary observation outposts were dismantled - human technology had advanced to the point where these poorly defensible research outposts could possibly be detected and easily captured. Military bases were erected to support the imminent Alien ground operations, Alien Freighters were dispatched from Thanatos to deliver necessary equipment and resources such as the precious Xenium-122 and Alien Composites. Construction of larger attack vessels began almost immediately after the downing of the first Alien Probe in 2011. We suspect that assembly of all UFOs takes place on Mars as only basic maintenance equipment was found on earth bases.


With our currently available intelligence on Alien operations we have finally uncovered the real objectives behind the Aliens’ efforts to conquer our planet: Integration of biological and material resources into the Star-Spawn, especially of mankind's great ability of creative thought. Of all the Alien species encountered, none was found to be acting on its own free will; all Alien creatures are manipulated by the Overmind in order to gain a foothold on Earth. Our scientists agree that although all Alien species have been tampered with cybernetically or genetically to be more effective on the battlefield, they all once possessed untainted biologies, originated from planets of their own and were at some point in their history captured by the Overmind, freezing their social and technological development at the point of their assimilation into the Star-Spawn.


We have come to the conclusion that completely assimilating Earth's population into the Star-Spawn by mind controlling us would ultimately prove counterproductive for the Overmind. Instead, it seeks to brainwash us into willingly following its lead. That way it can make full use of our inborn abilities - being a natural combination of those that the Aliens' have obtained only through cybernetic and genetic modification. We are capable of developing strong psionic powers - comparable to those of the Cloaks. Our soldiers have proven to be a match on the battlefield even for the best Alien troops, and the Human brain structure is more developed than that of most Alien species’, second only to that of the Greys, but our great advancement of free thought, allowing for development of new strategies as well as technologies, is perhaps our greatest attribute so desperately needed by the Overmind to face those who forced it to retreat to our corner of the galaxy.


Needing us "alive and unharmed" No proposals? the Overmind has to refrain from using massive destruction weaponry, undoubtedly at his disposal, and instead try to infiltrate world governments to lure us into enslavement.


After analyzing possible flaws in this strategy being employed against us, we have come to the conclusion that all steps in the Star-Spawn’s tactics were the result of careful and calculated planning. Terror missions are the most viable way for the Aliens to seize power; to terrorize mankind to the point where individual nations submit to the them; signing treaties that would slowly grant full power to the Star-Spawn. The Overmind has plotted an intricate master plan which, fortunately for us, had the only flaw of underestimating mankind's willingness to stand together in desperate times.


The fact that we, as genetically unmodified humans, are succeeding in our stubborn resistance against the Overmind’s array of heavily-enhanced Aliens only demonstrates our potential and makes us all the more most valuable. It makes usWe shudder for the future of the universe should we fail and become the latest brainwashed, gene-altered and machine-grafted minions of the Overmind. Considering its plan to enslave and assimilate our species, we can view the other Aliens races, despite their induced hostility, as unfortunate slaves engineered into rapacious killers. They have been turned into biomechanical horrors against their will and are unfeelingly sent to die at our hands for a goal they can no longer comprehend. Outside the battlefield, they deserve our pity. On the battlefield, we must do our duty and preserve our planet.


Our mission now is not only to protect Earth and our species, but in addition to stop the Star-Spawn; we must prevent the Overmind from continuing its millennia-old campaign of conquest and subjugation.


“I pity the fool who tries to conquer my planet”

- Mr.T

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X-Net://Pegasus.net/Alien/Research/Alien Goal


After analyzing possible flaws in this strategy being employed against us, we have come to the conclusion that all steps in the Star-Spawn’s tactics were the result of careful and calculated planning. Terror missions are the most viable way for the Aliens to seize power; to terrorize mankind to the point where individual nations submit to them; signing treaties that would slowly grant full power to the Star-Spawn. The Overmind has plotted an intricate master plan which, fortunately for us, had has? the only flaw of underestimating mankind's willingness to stand together in desperate times.


“I pity the fool who tries to conquer my planet”

- Mr.T


Dindt like a few of your changes when I first read it, but now i have re-read it and I like them, makes sense to me ;) I love it, still not sure what to do with "alive and unharmed"

Edited by Davo
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oookeyy... lemme see...



X-Net://Pegasus.net/Alien/Research/Alien Goal


Our research division has finally pieced together enough information to decipher the Aliens' grand scheme behind their presence on Earth, as well as how they intend to accomplish their fiendish goals.


Evidence points to the fact that the arrival of the "Star-Spawn", as the Aliens refer to themselves as a collective group, in our Solar system has to be dated around 500 BC. We were able to triangulate a possible flight vector placing their origins at a location near Beta Persei approximately 115 light-years from Earth. Reasons unknown to us forced the ship occupied by the "Overmind" - as we refer to the Alien leader of the Star-Spawn - to crash land on Mars. To ensure its survival, the crippled ship placed the Overmind in stasis and kept only essential life support systems online, hoping to receive an answer to the automated distress signal broadcasted into space. At this point it is not clear if Earths first radio transmissions at the end of the 19th century had any impact upon the awakening of the Overmind. The transmissions might have been interpreted as the long anticipated answer to the distress signal or may simply have been analyzed as non-hostile and possibly exploitable. What we do know is that around this time something caused the ships computer to awaken the Overmind from stasis. Seeing a way out of its misery, it took interest in the Terrans, a species that had not been detected on his approach due to their previous lack of advanced technology.


From recovered UFO logs and Alien interrogations we learned that the Overmind's minions had already established a presence on Earth in the late 1930s. We do not know exactly why it took the Overmind more than three decades to undertake activities on earth, however we suspect a massive cloning program as well as establishment of an operational base and construction of a medium sized fleet. Nevertheless, the purpose of these activities remains ambiguous, as no significant data is available. It is likely that the Aliens' operations consisted mainly of observation and harvesting of biological resources, however with the outbreak of World War II, they were able to gain a deep insight into the nature of Human psyches and military tactics used around the world, as nations collided in war against one another. The Overmind must have been very impressed with our ability to kill and destroy with no apparent remorse, no doubt, especially with the utter destruction of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945.


After a thorough sighting of worldwide intelligence agency archives, we are able to say that human abductions presumably began in the 1960s; with the first report being made in 1961, the possibility of Alien presence on our world became real for a small portion of our planet’s population; however evidence was scarce and the Aliens' activities were almost completely unnoticed. Undoubtedly these abductions told the Aliens a great deal about our physiology and psychological profile, but they were particularly designed to decode the Human Genome; countless genetic experiments were performed upon Human subjects aimed at achieving a more thorough understanding, and other, more sinister goals.


Historical research has shown a strong correlation between a birth increase of psionically-skilled individuals and Alien Research/Abductions in the corresponding areas. There have always been legends and tales of men and women capable of performing the most amazing feats beyond human capacity; many of these merits were regarded as magical in nature, as their practitioners could read thoughts or even lift objects without physical contact but by mere concentration of thought. Though these people tended to maintain their psionic nature a secret, the historical analysis by X-Corps scientists led to the discovery of an increased number of individuals capable of such actions in the last forty years. It is speculated that this “psionic boom” is very much related with an Alien manipulation of Human DNA. Psionic abilities however, have proven to be inherent to the Human species; our inability to make use of them is due to the general population’s lack of knowledge and training on these, as only very psionically strong subjects are able to wield, or even notice, these aptitudes without training of any sort; it is likely that at least some DNA manipulations were precisely aimed at enhancing our natural psionic vocation.


When the Aliens’ presence became unquestionably evident for all governments around the world in 2011 after the first UFO was shot down and international intelligence agents had the opportunity to analyze the wreckage, the Aliens changed their tactics from mere observation to aggressive interaction; they had amassed enough information to proceed with decisive action. Unnecessary observation outposts were dismantled - human technology had advanced to the point where these poorly defensible research outposts could possibly be detected and easily captured. Military bases were erected to support the imminent Alien ground operations, Alien Freighters were dispatched from Thanatos to deliver necessary equipment and resources such as the precious Xenium-122 and Alien Composites. Construction of larger attack vessels began almost immediately after the downing of the first Alien Probe in 2011. We suspect that assembly of all UFOs takes place on Mars as only basic maintenance equipment was found on earth bases.


With our currently available intelligence on Alien operations we have finally uncovered the real objectives behind the Aliens’ efforts to conquer our planet: Integration of biological and material resources into the Star-Spawn, especially of mankind's great ability of creative thought. Of all the Alien species encountered, none was found to be acting on its own free will; all Alien creatures are manipulated by the Overmind in order to gain a foothold on Earth. Our scientists agree that although all Alien species have been tampered with cybernetically or genetically to be more effective on the battlefield, they all once possessed untainted biologies, originated from planets of their own and were at some point in their history captured by the Overmind, freezing their social and technological development at the point of their assimilation into the Star-Spawn.


We have come to the conclusion that completely assimilating Earth's population into the Star-Spawn by mind controlling us would ultimately prove counterproductive for the Overmind. Instead, it seeks to brainwash us into willingly following its lead. That way it can make full use of our inborn abilities - being a natural combination of those that the Aliens' have obtained only through cybernetic and genetic modification. We are capable of developing strong psionic powers - comparable to those of the Cloaks. Our soldiers have proven to be a match on the battlefield even for the best Alien troops, and the Human brain structure is more developed than that of most Alien species’, second only to that of the Greys, but our great advancement of free thought, allowing for development of new strategies as well as technologies, is perhaps our greatest attribute so desperately needed by the Overmind to face those who forced it to retreat to our corner of the galaxy.


Needing us in the best condition possible the Overmind has to refrain from using massive destruction weaponry, undoubtedly at his disposal, and instead try to infiltrate world governments to lure us into enslavement.


After analyzing possible flaws in this strategy being employed against us, we have come to the conclusion that all steps in the Star-Spawn’s tactics were the result of careful and calculated planning. Terror missions are the most viable way for the Aliens to seize power; to terrorize mankind to the point where individual nations submit to them; signing treaties that would slowly grant full power to the Star-Spawn. The Overmind has plotted an intricate master plan which, fortunately for us, had I don't think he still underestimates us at this point. So I think "had" fits best the only flaw of underestimating mankind's willingness to stand together in desperate times.


The fact that we, as genetically unmodified humans, are succeeding in our stubborn resistance against the Overmind’s array of heavily-enhanced Aliens only demonstrates our potential and makes us all the more valuable. I think we were already valuable before, so now we are even more valuable. What don't you like about this? It makes us too pathetic or what? ;) shudder for the future of the universe should we fail and become the latest brainwashed, gene-altered and machine-grafted minions of the Overmind. Considering its plan to enslave and assimilate our species, we can view the other Aliens races, despite their induced hostility, as unfortunate slaves engineered into rapacious killers. They have been turned into biomechanical horrors against their will and are unfeelingly sent to die at our hands for a goal they can no longer comprehend. Outside the battlefield, they deserve our pity. On the battlefield, we must do our duty and preserve our planet.


Our mission now is not only to protect Earth and our species, but in addition to stop the Star-Spawn; we must prevent the Overmind from continuing its millennia-old campaign of conquest and subjugation.


“I pity the fool who tries to conquer my planet”

- Mr.T

Edited by Mad
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  • 2 weeks later...

hmmm. I liked "alive and unharmed" better, but would something like that go into a scientific report? parhaps it does need to be changed, but Imo I think thats going a step backwards. Davo suggests perhaps one of the following....


The overmind, needing us in our current physical and pshycological condition, has had to refrain from using....


Needing us unscarred and physically unharmed, the overmind has had to refrain from using...


Needing humanity at it's peak and unharmed, the overmind has had to refrain from using...


The overmind has had to refrain from using massive weapons of destruction, which undoubtedly exists at his disposal, as for it to take full advantage of humanity and exploit our greatest attributes which he so desperately desires, we are needed unharmed and unscathed.


Refraining from using the massive weapons of destruction undoubtedly at his disposal, the overmind is ensuring that the traits he so desperately needs/wants remain embedded in humanity as wiping out a huge proportion of Earths population may put a dent in our resillience and ingenuity.



Okay so I may have gone a wee bit off track with the last one and started to make less and less sense... but a few suggestions all the same. Mix and match.. what does thee sayeth?

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  • 1 month later...


X-Net://Pegasus.net/Alien/Research/Alien Goal


Our research division has finally pieced together enough information to decipher the Aliens' grand scheme behind their presence on Earth, as well as how they intend to accomplish their fiendish goals.


Evidence points to the fact that the arrival of the "Star-Spawn", as the Aliens refer to themselves as a collective group, in our Solar system has to be dated around 500 BC. We were able to triangulate a possible flight vector placing their origins at a location near Beta Persei approximately 115 light-years from Earth. Reasons unknown to us forced the ship occupied by the "Overmind" - as we refer to the Alien leader of the Star-Spawn - to crash land on Mars. To ensure its survival, the crippled ship placed the Overmind in stasis and kept only essential life support systems online, hoping to receive an answer to the automated distress signal broadcasted into space. At this point it is not clear if Earths first radio transmissions at the end of the 19th century had any impact upon the awakening of the Overmind. The transmissions might have been interpreted as the long anticipated answer to the distress signal or may simply have been analyzed as non-hostile and possibly exploitable. What we do know is that around this time something caused the ships computer to awaken the Overmind from stasis. Seeing a way out of its misery, it took interest in the Terrans, a species that had not been detected on his approach due to their previous lack of advanced technology.


From recovered UFO logs and Alien interrogations we learned that the Overmind's minions had already established a presence on Earth in the late 1930s. We do not know exactly why it took the Overmind more than three decades to undertake activities on earth, however we suspect a massive cloning program as well as establishment of an operational base and construction of a medium sized fleet. Nevertheless, the purpose of these activities remains ambiguous, as no significant data is available. It is likely that the Aliens' operations consisted mainly of observation and harvesting of biological resources, however with the outbreak of World War II, they were able to gain a deep insight into the nature of Human psyches and military tactics used around the world, as nations collided in war against one another. The Overmind must have been very impressed with our ability to kill and destroy with no apparent remorse, no doubt, especially with the utter destruction of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945.


After a thorough sighting of worldwide intelligence agency archives, we are able to say that human abductions presumably began in the 1960s; with the first report being made in 1961, the possibility of Alien presence on our world became real for a small portion of our planet's population; however evidence was scarce and the Aliens' activities were almost completely unnoticed. Undoubtedly these abductions told the Aliens a great deal about our physiology and psychological profile, but they were particularly designed to decode the Human Genome; countless genetic experiments were performed upon Human subjects aimed at achieving a more thorough understanding, and other, more sinister goals.


Historical research has shown a strong correlation between a birth increase of psionically-skilled individuals and Alien Research/Abductions in the corresponding areas. There have always been legends and tales of men and women capable of performing the most amazing feats beyond human capacity; many of these merits were regarded as magical in nature, as their practitioners could read thoughts or even lift objects without physical contact but by mere concentration of thought. Though these people tended to maintain their psionic nature a secret, the historical analysis by X-Corps scientists led to the discovery of an increased number of individuals capable of such actions in the last forty years. It is speculated that this "psionic boom" is very much related with an Alien manipulation of Human DNA. Psionic abilities however, have proven to be inherent to the Human species; our inability to make use of them is due to the general population?s lack of knowledge and training on these, as only very psionically strong subjects are able to wield, or even notice, these aptitudes without training of any sort; it is likely that at least some DNA manipulations were precisely aimed at enhancing our natural psionic vocation.


When the Aliens' presence became unquestionably evident for all governments around the world in 2011 after the first UFO was shot down and international intelligence agents had the opportunity to analyze the wreckage, the Aliens changed their tactics from mere observation to aggressive interaction; they had amassed enough information to proceed with decisive action. Unnecessary observation outposts were dismantled - human technology had advanced to the point where these poorly defensible research outposts could possibly be detected and easily captured. Military bases were erected to support the imminent Alien ground operations, Alien Freighters were dispatched from Thanatos to deliver necessary equipment and resources such as the precious Xenium-122 and Alien Composites. Construction of larger attack vessels began almost immediately after the downing of the first Alien Probe in 2011. We suspect that assembly of all UFOs takes place on Mars as only basic maintenance equipment was found on earth bases.


With our currently available intelligence on Alien operations we have finally uncovered the real objectives behind the Aliens' efforts to conquer our planet: Integration of biological and material resources into the Star-Spawn, especially of mankind's great ability of creative thought. Of all the Alien species encountered, none was found to be acting on its own free will; all Alien creatures are manipulated by the Overmind in order to gain a foothold on Earth. Our scientists agree that although all Alien species have been tampered with cybernetically or genetically to be more effective on the battlefield, they all once possessed untainted biologies, originated from planets of their own and were at some point in their history captured by the Overmind, freezing their social and technological development at the point of their assimilation into the Star-Spawn.


We have come to the conclusion that completely assimilating Earth's population into the Star-Spawn by mind controlling us would ultimately prove counterproductive for the Overmind. Instead, it seeks to brainwash us into willingly following its lead. That way it can make full use of our inborn abilities - being a natural combination of those that the Aliens' have obtained only through cybernetic and genetic modification. We are capable of developing strong psionic powers - comparable to those of the Cloaks. Our soldiers have proven to be a match on the battlefield even for the best Alien troops, and the Human brain structure is more developed than that of most Alien species, second only to that of the Greys, but our great advancement of free thought, allowing for development of new strategies as well as technologies, is perhaps our greatest attribute so desperately needed by the Overmind to face those who forced it to retreat to our corner of the galaxy.


Refraining from using the massive weapons of destruction undoubtedly at his disposal, the overmind is ensuring that the traits he so desperately seeks to exploit remain embedded in humanity, as wiping out a huge proportion of Earth's population would put a dent in our resillience and ingenuity.


After analyzing possible flaws in this strategy being employed against us, we have come to the conclusion that all steps in the Star-Spawn?s tactics were the result of careful and calculated planning. Terror missions are the most viable way for the Aliens to seize power; to terrorize mankind to the point where individual nations submit to them; signing treaties that would slowly grant full power to the Star-Spawn. The Overmind had plotted an intricate master plan which, fortunately for us, had the only flaw of underestimating mankind's willingness to stand together in desperate times.


The fact that we, as genetically unmodified humans, are succeeding in our stubborn resistance against the Overmind?s array of heavily-enhanced Aliens only demonstrates our potential and makes us all the more valuable. It makes us shudder for the future of the universe should we fail and become the latest brainwashed, gene-altered and machine-grafted minions of the Overmind. Considering its plan to enslave and assimilate our species, we can view the other Aliens races, despite their induced hostility, as unfortunate slaves engineered into rapacious killers. They have been turned into biomechanical horrors against their will and are unfeelingly sent to die at our hands for a goal they can no longer comprehend. Outside the battlefield, they deserve our pity. On the battlefield, we must do our duty and preserve our planet.


Our mission now is not only to protect Earth and our species, but in addition to stop the Star-Spawn; we must prevent the Overmind from continuing its millennia-old campaign of conquest and subjugation.


"I pity the fool who tries to conquer my planet"

- Mr.T





P.S. if you find any weird symbols (like "?") in the text above it's due to encoding issues, nevermind

Edited by kafros
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  • 1 month later...
Ok, so hold this place, but could you anyway bump this thread when you're finished? You know, edits don't highlight on "new posts" and I don't want this to slip through my fingers :)
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  • 3 weeks later...

Karos? what's up with these annotations of yours?


For now, Icebot has some comments:



X-Net://Pegasus.net/Alien/Research/Alien Goal


Our research division has finally pieced together enough information to decipher the Aliens' grand scheme behind their presence on Earth, as well as how they intend to accomplish their fiendish goals.


Evidence points to the fact that the arrival of the "Star-Spawn", as the Aliens refer to themselves as a collective group, in our Solar system has to be dated around 500 BC. We were able to triangulate a possible flight vector placing their origins at a location near Beta Persei approximately 115 light-years from Earth. Reasons unknown to us forced the ship occupied by the "Overmind" - as we refer to the Alien leader of the Star-Spawn - to crash land on Mars. To ensure its survival, the crippled ship placed the Overmind in stasis and kept only essential life support systems online, hoping to receive an answer to the automated distress signal broadcasted into space. At this point it is not clear if Earths first radio transmissions at the end of the 19th century had any impact upon the awakening of the Overmind. The transmissions might have been interpreted as the long anticipated answer to the distress signal or may simply have been analyzed as non-hostile and possibly exploitable. What we do know is that around this time something caused the ships computer to awaken the Overmind from stasis. Seeing a way out of its misery, it took interest in the Terrans, a species that had not been detected on his approach due to their previous lack of advanced technology.


From recovered UFO logs and Alien interrogations we learned that the Overmind's minions had already established a presence on Earth in the late 1930s. We do not know exactly why it took the Overmind more than three decades to undertake activities on earth, however we suspect a massive cloning program as well as establishment of an operational base and construction of a medium sized fleet. Nevertheless, the purpose of these activities remains ambiguous, as no significant data is available. It is likely that the Aliens' operations consisted mainly of observation and harvesting of biological resources, however with the outbreak of World War II, they were able to gain a deep insight into the nature of Human psyches and military tactics used around the world, as nations collided in war against one another. The Overmind must have been very impressed with our ability to kill and destroy with no apparent remorse, no doubt, especially with the utter destruction of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945.


After a thorough sighting of worldwide intelligence agency archives, we are able to say that human abductions presumably began in the 1960s; with the first report being made in 1961, the possibility of Alien presence on our world became real for a small portion of our planet's population; however evidence was scarce and the Aliens' activities were almost completely unnoticed. Undoubtedly these abductions told the Aliens a great deal about our physiology and psychological profile, but they were particularly designed to decode the Human Genome; countless genetic experiments were performed upon Human subjects aimed at achieving a more thorough understanding, and other, more sinister goals.


Historical research has shown a strong correlation between a birth increase of psionically-skilled individuals and Alien Research/Abductions in the corresponding areas. There have always been legends and tales of men and women capable of performing the most amazing feats beyond human capacity; many of these merits were regarded as magical in nature, as their practitioners could read thoughts or even lift objects without physical contact but by mere concentration of thought. Though these people tended to maintain their psionic nature a secret, the historical analysis by X-Corps scientists led to the discovery of an increased number of individuals capable of such actions in the last forty years. It is speculated that this "psionic boom" is very much related with an Alien manipulation of Human DNA. Psionic abilities however, have proven to be inherent to the Human species; our inability to make use of them is due to the general population?s lack of knowledge and training on these, as only very psionically strong subjects are able to wield, or even notice, these aptitudes without training of any sort; it is likely that at least some DNA manipulations were precisely aimed at enhancing our natural psionic vocation.


When the Aliens' presence became unquestionably evident for all governments around the world in 2011 after the first UFO was shot down and international intelligence agents had the opportunity to analyze the wreckage, the Aliens changed their tactics from mere observation to aggressive interaction; they had amassed enough information to proceed with decisive action. Unnecessary observation outposts were dismantled - human technology had advanced to the point where these poorly defensible research outposts could possibly be detected and easily captured. Military bases were erected to support the imminent Alien ground operations, Alien Freighters were dispatched from Thanatos to deliver necessary equipment and resources such as the precious Xenium-122 and Alien Composites. Construction of larger attack vessels began almost immediately after the downing of the first Alien Probe in 2011. We suspect that assembly of all UFOs takes place on Mars as only basic maintenance equipment was found on earth bases.


With our currently available intelligence on Alien operations we have finally uncovered the real objectives behind the Aliens' efforts to conquer our planet: Integration of biological and material resources into the Star-Spawn, especially of mankind's great ability of creative thought. Of all the Alien species encountered, none was found to be acting on its own free will; all Alien creatures are manipulated by the Overmind in order to gain a foothold on Earth. Our scientists agree that although all Alien species have been tampered with cybernetically or genetically to be more effective on the battlefield, they all once possessed untainted biologies, originated from planets of their own and were at some point in their history captured by the Overmind, freezing their social and technological development at the point of their assimilation into the Star-Spawn.


We have come to the conclusion that completely assimilating Earth's population into the Star-Spawn by mind controlling us would ultimately prove counterproductive for the Overmind. Instead, it seeks to brainwash us into willingly following its lead. That way it can make full use of our inborn abilities - being a natural combination of those that the Aliens' have obtained only through cybernetic and genetic modification. We are capable of developing strong psionic powers - comparable to those of the Cloaks. Our soldiers have proven to be a match on the battlefield even for the best Alien troops, and the Human brain structure is more developed than that of most Alien species, second only to that of the Greys, but our great advancement of free thought, allowing for development of new strategies as well as technologies, is perhaps our greatest attribute so desperately needed by the Overmind to face those who forced it to retreat to our corner of the galaxy.


Refraining from using the massive weapons of destruction undoubtedly at his disposal, the overmind is ensuring that the traits he so desperately seeks to exploit remain embedded in humanity, as wiping out a huge proportion of Earth's population would put a dent in our resillience and ingenuity.

This weapon has been used before as Dr.Daniel Pole suggests .After spending some hours interrogating the other aliens we came to realize that most of their home worlds had been destroyed in a huge blast. The Overmind knew that they could rebel so it made sure that they will never raise arms against him. It?s powers are unlimited and he is capable of great evil; the only reason why we?re not dead right now is because he thinks we represent a new weapon he can use .[/color]


After analyzing possible flaws in this strategy being employed against us, we have come to the conclusion that all steps in the Star-Spawn?s tactics were the result of careful and calculated planning. Terror missions are the most viable way for the Aliens to seize power; to terrorize mankind to the point where individual nations submit to them; signing treaties that would slowly grant full power to the Star-Spawn. The Overmind had plotted an intricate master plan which, fortunately for us, had the only flaw of underestimating mankind's willingness to stand together in desperate times.


The fact that we, as genetically unmodified humans, are succeeding in our stubborn resistance against the Overmind?s array of heavily-enhanced Aliens only demonstrates our potential and makes us all the more valuable. It makes us shudder for the future of the universe should we fail and become the latest brainwashed, gene-altered and machine-grafted minions of the Overmind. Considering its plan to enslave and assimilate our species, we can view the other Aliens races, despite their induced hostility, as unfortunate slaves engineered into rapacious killers. They have been turned into biomechanical horrors against their will and are unfeelingly sent to die at our hands for a goal they can no longer comprehend. Outside the battlefield, they deserve our pity. On the battlefield, we must do our duty and preserve our planet.


In an early conference, the X-Corps Head General stated our clear mission:

?Gentlemen, years have passed and the war is not over. Many of our boys have died defending our home, our Planet .At first we thought they want to destroy us but the truth is worse, they want to assimilate us, to make us slaves of their own purposes. They want us to bow down to them and call them masters. I say to heck with them! We have our freedom that God gave us and we?re not about to surrender that for anything in this world. I would rather die than to serve under them! Let us take our arms right now and show these aliens that we still got it!?

Our mission now is not only to protect Earth and our species, but in addition to stop the Star-Spawn; we must prevent the Overmind from continuing its millennia-old campaign of conquest and subjugation.


"I pity the fool who tries to conquer my planet"

- Mr.T

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New draft, implementing some of kafros' and Icebots suggestions



X-Net://Pegasus.net/Alien/Research/Alien Goal


Our research division has finally pieced together enough information to decipher the Aliens' grand scheme behind their presence on Earth, as well as how they intend to accomplish their fiendish goals.


Evidence points to the fact that the arrival of the "Star-Spawn", as the Aliens refer to themselves as a collective group, in our Solar system has to be dated around 500 BC. We were able to triangulate a possible flight vector placing their origins at a location near Beta Persei approximately 115 light-years from Earth. Reasons unknown to us forced the ship occupied by the "Overmind" - as we refer to the Alien leader of the Star-Spawn - to crash land on Mars. To ensure its survival, the crippled ship placed the Overmind in stasis and kept only essential life support systems online, hoping to receive an answer to the automated distress signal broadcasted into space. At this point it is not clear if Earths first radio transmissions at the end of the 19th century had any impact upon the awakening of the Overmind. The transmissions might have been interpreted as the long anticipated answer to the distress signal or may simply have been analyzed as non-hostile and possibly exploitable. What we do know is that around this time something caused the ships computer to awaken the Overmind from stasis. Seeing a way out of its misery, it took interest in the Terrans, a species that had not been detected on his approach due to their previous lack of advanced technology.


From recovered UFO logs and Alien interrogations we learned that the Overmind's minions had already established a presence on Earth in the late 1930s. We do not know exactly why it took the Overmind more than three decades to undertake activities on earth, however we suspect a massive cloning program as well as establishment of an operational base and construction of a medium sized fleet. Nevertheless, the purpose of these activities remains ambiguous, as no significant data is available. It is likely that the Aliens' operations consisted mainly of observation and harvesting of biological resources, however with the outbreak of World War II, they were able to gain a deep insight into the nature of Human psyches and military tactics used around the world, as nations collided in war against one another. The Overmind must have been very impressed with our ability to kill and destroy with no apparent remorse, no doubt, especially with the utter destruction of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945.


After a thorough sighting of worldwide intelligence agency archives, we are able to say that human abductions presumably began in the 1960s; with the first report being made in 1961, the possibility of Alien presence on our world became real for a small portion of our planet's population; however evidence was scarce and the Aliens' activities were almost completely unnoticed. Undoubtedly these abductions told the Aliens a great deal about our physiology and psychological profile, but they were particularly designed to decode the Human Genome; countless genetic experiments were performed upon Human subjects aimed at achieving a more thorough understanding, and other, more sinister goals.


Historical research has shown a strong correlation between a birth increase of psionically-skilled individuals and Alien Research/Abductions in the corresponding areas. There have always been legends and tales of men and women capable of performing the most amazing feats beyond human capacity; many of these merits were regarded as magical in nature, as their practitioners could read thoughts or even lift objects without physical contact but by mere concentration of thought. Though these people tended to maintain their psionic nature a secret, the historical analysis by X-Corps scientists led to the discovery of an increased number of individuals capable of such actions in the last forty years. It is speculated that this "psionic boom" is very much related with an Alien manipulation of Human DNA. Psionic abilities however, have proven to be inherent to the Human species; our inability to make use of them is due to the general population's lack of knowledge and training on these, as only very psionically strong subjects are able to wield, or even notice, these aptitudes without training of any sort; it is likely that at least some DNA manipulations were precisely aimed at enhancing our natural psionic vocation.


When the Aliens' presence became unquestionably evident for all governments around the world in 2011 after the first UFO was shot down and international intelligence agents had the opportunity to analyze the wreckage, the Aliens changed their tactics from mere observation to aggressive interaction; they had amassed enough information to proceed with decisive action. Unnecessary observation outposts were dismantled - human technology had advanced to the point where these poorly defensible research outposts could possibly be detected and easily captured. Military bases were erected to support the imminent Alien ground operations, Alien Freighters were dispatched from Thanatos to deliver necessary equipment and resources such as the precious Xenium-122 and Alien Composites. Construction of larger attack vessels began almost immediately after the downing of the first Alien Probe in 2011. We suspect that assembly of all UFOs takes place on Mars as only basic maintenance equipment was found on earth bases.


With our currently available intelligence on Alien operations we have finally uncovered the real objectives behind the Aliens' efforts to conquer our planet: Integration of biological and material resources into the Star-Spawn, especially of mankind's great ability of creative thought. Of all the Alien species encountered, none was found to be acting on its own free will; all Alien creatures are manipulated by the Overmind in order to gain a foothold on Earth. Our scientists agree that although all Alien species have been tampered with cybernetically or genetically to be more effective on the battlefield, they all once possessed untainted biologies, originated from planets of their own and were at some point in their history captured by the Overmind, freezing their social and technological development at the point of their assimilation into the Star-Spawn.


We have come to the conclusion that completely assimilating Earth's population into the Star-Spawn by mind controlling us would ultimately prove counterproductive for the Overmind. Instead, it seeks to brainwash us into willingly following its lead. That way it can make full use of our inborn abilities - being a natural combination of those that the Aliens' have obtained only through cybernetic and genetic modification. We are capable of developing strong psionic powers - comparable to those of the Cloaks. Our soldiers have proven to be a match on the battlefield even for the best Alien troops, and the Human brain structure is more developed than that of most Alien species, second only to that of the Greys, but our great advancement of free thought, allowing for development of new strategies as well as technologies, is perhaps our greatest attribute so desperately needed by the Overmind to face those who forced it to retreat to our corner of the galaxy.


Refraining from using the weapons of mass destruction undoubtedly at his disposal and already used before on other species' cultures in his hive, the overmind is ensuring that the traits he so desperately seeks to exploit remain embedded in humanity, as wiping out a huge proportion of Earth's population would put a dent in our resillience and ingenuity. Infiltrating earths governments allows him to lure us into enslavement, rather than overpowering us and risking revolution.


After analyzing possible flaws in this strategy being employed against us, we have come to the conclusion that all steps in the Star-Spawn's tactics were the result of careful and calculated planning. Terror missions are the most viable way for the Aliens to seize power; to terrorize mankind to the point where individual nations submit to them; signing treaties that would slowly grant full power to the Star-Spawn. The Overmind had plotted an intricate master plan which, fortunately for us, had the only flaw of underestimating mankind's willingness to stand together in desperate times.


The fact that we, as genetically unmodified humans, are succeeding in our stubborn resistance against the Overmind's array of heavily-enhanced Aliens only demonstrates our potential and makes us all the more valuable. It makes us shudder for the future of the universe should we fail and become the latest brainwashed, gene-altered and machine-grafted minions of the Overmind. Considering its plan to enslave and assimilate our species, we can view the other Aliens races, despite their induced hostility, as unfortunate slaves engineered into rapacious killers. They have been turned into biomechanical horrors against their will and are unfeelingly sent to die at our hands for a goal they can no longer comprehend. Outside the battlefield, they deserve our pity. On the battlefield, we must do our duty and preserve our planet.


Our mission now is not only to protect Earth and our species, but in addition to stop the Star-Spawn; we must prevent the Overmind from continuing its millennia-old campaign of conquest and subjugation.


"I pity the fool who tries to conquer my planet"

- Mr.T

Edited by Mad
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