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I've installed the game and all but when I go to play the screen is on one side of the screen:( I can't see all of the map:(


If the problem is only in the battlescape, try doing what Hobbes said : Shift + Arrows.


If the problem appears with the menus and all game screens, I think this has to do with your monitor having different screen placement settings for different screen resolution.


Try Editing ufo2000.ini in your game root directory (probably C:\Program Files\UFO2000 Beta or C:\Program Files\UFO2000)


Read down and stop at the line :


# preferred screen resolution, if it can't be set, 640x480 is used

screen_x_res = 800

screen_y_res = 600


Put your operating system resolution there.


If this doesn't fix the game you can always play in windowed mode, to do this change the 1 to a 0 at line:


# Set to 1 to start the game in fullscreen mode



Last : if you don't mind messing with your monitor setup you can also manually move it to correct position using the buttons (brightness, contrast and menu) under your monitor just beside the power button. If your problem is in fact related to your monitor having different screen placement settings for different screen resolution, this should fix the game and not change anything to the OS. Otherwise you will mess with the whole monitor placement and will need to move it back to previous position. (So I suggest you write down placement values before doing this).


Hope it helps

Edited by nachtwolf
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Don't the Stable and the Beta versions have different window sizes?  Or am I just crazy?


-Angry Lawyer


They do but both can be set , but it should be verified.

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