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XCOMUFO & Xenocide

A Dead Alien Is Shooting At Me

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:LOL: If it's not too late, please zip the saved game and send it to us! If you need directions how to do that, contact again. Do you still have that saved game?

I bet it's the old bug. You shoot an alien and it looks like it dies but you have to shoot the empty square again and it dies for a second time :)

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WOW... I Mean... just wow...


That very same thing happened to me just a few minutes ago... i took a screen shot of the "dead" Snakeman. No body on the floor, just a tile with nothing in it, yet the game told me that my guys saw an alien... i looked (IE: Clicked the red button) and saw nothing. Thinking the game thought a dead alien is still alive (it does that from time to time), i moved up the hallway, losing a Scout (the Stupid newbies cant see invisable aliens? they deserve to die ^_^ ) I had my sniper down the hall, and i thought "heck, why not shoot at it?" So i selected him, targeted the panel the reaction fire came from and shot a Heavy laser bolt at him. Boom, the laser hit squarely in the panel (well it hit "nothing") and a snakeman appeared while doing the death animation. It was quite odd to say the least, fortunetly that was the last alien, and on a hunch i unloaded a bunch of plasma magazines (why do they call them clips in the game is beyond me). :)

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