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XCOMUFO & Xenocide

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Movies? Well, I'd rather not see scripted cutscenes - like those in Resident Evil. There's only a finite number of movies that you can make and after seeing them all, you'd get sick of them after watching the play over and over again - especially if one plays every time you enter a mission.


Now, a dynamic cutscene thingy where the game takes stock of the actors and props around the landing site and then automatically scripting a very simple cutscene of the first troop transport's entry into the battle zone (throwing in a few random 'actor' aliens that the ship guns down before it lands - or lands on).


Basically a staged 'battle in progress' - which is just non-consequential fluff and only there to make things look cool just before the game hands the reigns over to the player.


Now something like that wouldn't be too bad. Otherwise I don't think cutscenes would add much to a game akin to X-Com. A game like X-Com has a lot of randomness in it (no two heroes, or group of heroes, are the same nor do they stay the same), while a story-centric game like Resident Evil and a number of adventure games suit cutscenes very well (or for games like the Command and Conquer games, which wouldn't have a story if it wasn't for the cutscenes).


In-game cutscenes would also beat the problem of consistency errors when you don't exactly conform to what it is the cutscene is showing. For example, you wipe out the brain on mars in X-Com with an unarmoured soldier and an autocannon, but the end game cutscenes still show a power armoured soldier firing a plasma weapon at it.





Edited by NKF
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