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XCOMUFO & Xenocide

Soldier Names Editing


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Is there any way to modify the random names given to your soldiers by X-Com? I've noticed after a while they start repeating, if you have 50 or so men in different bases you're likely to have two named the same and quite a few with the same family names. It's not a big deal but would be good to have a wider range.
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Sure, soldier names are found in the executable and can be changed any way you want. However, adding more names than the ones listed would be a problem as the game would probably go bonkers if extra info was added. (There probably is a variable somewhere telling the game how many names there actually are). Repetition of names is unavoidable since each nationality set only has 20 first (5 female, 15 male) and 20 last names. You can see more in the X-COM wiki here.


- Zombie

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