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XCOMUFO & Xenocide

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In X-COM, all shots against X-COM troopers did 200% damage. Obviously this was so the game was harder, but it made armour useless as well as being unrealistic.


Also, all weapons did 0-100% damage with shots, which is equally frustrating.



My proposals are to change those things:


1) Weapon damage is calcullated independent of who is firing and who is hit.


2) Damage types still have variable effectiveness against certain armour/creature types. This could even lead to you have a new armour type that is specialized against Plasma attacks.


3) The range of base damage a weapon does is listed in the profile. That range should vary based on weapons, some having more consistant base damage than others. For example, a HP might be 60-120 damage, while a laser rifle is 40-60 damage.

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  • 1 month later...
I thought it was rediculous that the plasma tank in the original game did no more damage than the hand held heavy plasma. ITS A TANK for goodness sake. It had like 256 shots, completely unnessesary and no autofire. It should have done more damage. I build them anyway, but I still don't like it.
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