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XCOMUFO & Xenocide

Alien Explosives


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How do they work? What makes the different from human explosives? In UFO it just said "A more powerful grenade" for the alien grenade description. Now I think it'd be cool if you said that it somehow plasmafies/ionizes/whatever the air around it and it's a "plasma grenade", 'cause then you'd have a great excuse for some cool looking explosion graphics, instead of the normal thing.
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  • 1 month later...

I'm not completely sure on the jargon used, but doesn't the military use "shaped charges" for breaching doors and the like?


Maybe I've seen too many military movies that got it wrong?


Heh, anyway I've seen them use bits of plastic explosive on locks but I don't know any of the technical names of all the forms of explosives seen relating to the activity. All I know is they seem to act with varying degrees of intensity (destructive power if not outright noise factor).

Edited by Snakeman
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  • 1 year later...
Exactly, only trained personnel could use shaped charges for a variety of purposes.


I can't see any reason why untrained personel couldn't use shaped charges... Wouldn't it be like: Shape it, place it, rig it, detonate it?

Though an untrained person would proabably use more TU's doing that, and the resulting explosion might be 'a bit' bigger than what it was supposed to be?

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you should eventualy get some kind of explosives to blow open a holle in the ufo, so that you wont have to go through that death trap of a door all the time.


Actually, I'd rather suspect that would come first, not after. How could a soldier on his first encounter with a UFO be able to operate the door? The alien threat is remarkably unsophisticated if it just uses a handle and a latch. At first, our options would just be a blowtorch or packing enough explosives in one place to make a hole.

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Well, explosives preshaped to blow a hole through a wall would be, IMO, a lot more useful than a blob of explosives that makes big explosions. That said, it should take more time to make/research and probably would require the person using the explosive to place it right on the wall. Heck, doesn't have to be explosives, just something to make a hole in the wall. Burst of plasma, special catalyst, big batch of thermite, whatever. Just having an explosive like that would be really helpful...


That said, it could make it too easy. Perhaps it takes longer than a move to cut through, so the aliens can mount some sort of resistance?

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