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XCOMUFO & Xenocide

Seer And Adrenaline....

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I've been thinking about xenocide lately and i come up with some ideas.

First is the adrenaline gun. You guys know that adrenaline makes ppl do things they have never imagined to...so my idea is that with the adrenaline gun you could raise some stats for a shor period of time. Like for example... a soldier with low bravery could use the adrenaline gun too boost some bravery so that he doesn't faint when he sees a mouse... ^_^ . The choice is or to boost all stats a little or to boost just one by medium size.


The other idea is a new concept for an alien. Well not a new concept but an improvment. I was thinking about a seer, a high rank cloak (Etheral). It doesn't have the MC ability anymore, but it can do damaging psy storm abilities (something like templars of starcraft) and could heal other aliens. The idea of the image was an Cloak in a floating trone with 2 cristals rotating in turn of it. One for atack and one for healing.


Idont know if these are good ideas...but nevertheless i decided to post them :D.

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Maybe i should had sapareted the 2 ideas.... adrenaline gun to wep and seer to aliens.... :unsure:
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Now here's some ideas I like. How about instead of just an adrenaline gun, a whole seperate research item. Combat drugs.


Basically a mixture of pcp, speed, cocaine and acid.


What it does in game would be give the recipient extra TU's (from the speed and coke mix), it'd negate any of the psychologial effects making the user believe they're invincible (acid) and the pcp would make them more resistant to damage.


The downsides would be (if they survive the mission) the user is immediately addicted to the substance (Combat drugs would be v.expensive) and deteriorates over a period of missions until finally they go insane and kill team mates or themselves. This would be totally out of the player's hands and would have the same negative morale effects as if an alien had killed a soldier.


The seer idea I really like. That would make the Cloaks really scary. I guess the seer could be combined with the Cloak commander. You'd definitely know you'd have the chance to capture one :P

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yo Thx! I try to do my best :P. I'm glad someone posted their opinions on my ideas. ^_^
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