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XCOMUFO & Xenocide

Something That Might Be Interesting...


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Regarding the powersource of the UFO's. I noticed you've chosen to call the element Xenonium-122. Catchy name. However, as a well oriented chemist, elements with the atomic number of 122 cannot exist in our universe, cause atoms cannot form 8 energylevels, refer to the periodical system. (they just can't, I can be longwinded about this but I'll keep it short).


If you STILL want to be sci-fi about this (sci-fi is good anyways :D ), you could choose an element that would have the same properties as atomic fuel, and with 8 energylevels. Maybe the aliens found out a way to make it. That would make






The element of 122, or Eka-Thorium, would share properties with Thorium, and would be a silvery white metal. As would be the issue with most of these metals with high atomic numbers. Either silvery white, greyish or dark metallic.


However, none of these elements would form a crystal (if they were actually physically possible to manufacture) and would be highly radioactive and unstable, with a half-life of yoktoseconds with decimals.


If you want to find out some better names you can get at these links. I will also post a link to a page where they've actually MADE elerium-115, or Ununpentium as it is called in chemistry-lingo.





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Good points, bedan! But to tell you the truth these ideas have been discussed in great detail... In actuality, "122" does not refer to atomic number or mass of the substance; it instead refers to a scientific experiment. Xenium is a material unknown to terrestrial life, and its properties are not well understood, which is part of the reason why traditional chemistry nomenclature is not used. Edited by Astyanax
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