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XCOMUFO & Xenocide

X-Com Total Units Sold?


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Hey everyone,


I'm a game design student and a longtime X-com player. I'm giving a presentation on X-Com for my class, and was wondering if anyone had some information or knew where I could find it:


I'm looking for the total # of units sold. I found an old interview with Julian Gollop ( http://www.next-gen.biz/features/the-makin...m-enemy-unknown ) that puts that # at 600,000, but I was hoping to find a more up to date total, possibly including the new steam release.


The presentation covers the development & release of X-com / UFO, and if there's any cool info or sources you know of on any topic I'd appreciate a point in the right direction.


Thank you

Edited by Visceralguy
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