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XCOMUFO & Xenocide

Another Use For Smoke Grenades


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When a stubborn group of aliens is hiding in a small scout, I've found that tossing smoke grenades on the two corners opposite of the door (you can actually throw the grenades "into" the wall) will frequently agitate them and flush them out. If they continue to stick around, dropping a couple more will start to actually do signifigant stun damage, making them easier take down if you eventually do have to charge into the ship. Using a Motion scanner is a good way to track what their doing. Sometimes they'll just move back and forth, but other times you can see them heading for the door.
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Stun damage from smoke grenades won't work on all types of aliens. It'll work wonders on the weaker aliens, but it's harder to use them on the stronger and higher ranked aliens. A superhuman sectoid commander (or better) for example can outlive any of your soldiers when saturated continuously in smoke over a long period of time. I found this out the hard way.


There is one game glitch regarding smoke. Any incendiary explosions on the map will accelerate the stun damage for ALL units standing in smoke. This bypasses the stun damage recovery that occurs every turn, so with this you could indeed capture that superhuman sectoid commander (or better) alien. In other words, a smoke grenade (or any weapon that kicks up smoke) and a weapon with incendiary rounds is the poor mans small launcher. It's more accurate, but it needs more effort.


It doesn't matter what weapon the incendiary round was fired from as long as there's an incendary round go pop on the map. The autocannon is therefore the top weapon for making use of incendiary weirdness.


Units standing in fire on the other hand take direct health damage. So rule of thumb when using incendiaries: Fire = Health and Smoke = Stun damage



Edited by NKF
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NKF, you are a god among men.


I read a couple posts from you earlier about how inc damage works, but I seem to have missed some parts.


New stratagy when just starting out:

Chuck 3-4 smoke grenades ate a medium/large scout, and then autoshoot at the walls with an AC packed with inc ammo. :)

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