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XCOMUFO & Xenocide

Software Conference


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I doubt I will be able to do so :) like 15000 kilometres away ...



Red Knight

OK, looks like no one realised that the conference is a joke. It's got items on the agenda like this


* What are the best shortcuts to getting certification?

* Are certifications transferable?

* Can I buy one on eBay? If so, what is the going rate?

* What is the return on investment on wining and dining the certifier?

* How much do I need to spend on entertainment?

* Do I need to buy consulting or training from the certifier?

* What tools impress the certifiers?

* Are there any good random documentation and metrics generators available that are good enough to make it look like we really did some of this stuff?

* With regard to ethical issues, how far can I go before I risk getting caught?

* What are the best ways to cover your tracks so that it looks legit?


I thought it would give you guys a laugh.

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I wasnt want to be rude, when I looked at the keynotes I though.. Those guys are nuts, but didnt read the eBay one :P (I would have got the joke if only I would have read that one).


BTW, the site looked so amateurish that I didnt even took much time to skim over it. Just saw it was on niagara falls :D



Red Knight

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