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XCOMUFO & Xenocide

Open Writing Positions


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Positions needed

International Relations writer

Despite the fact that X-COM is an internationally funded program, tensions still remain among the various nations. This writer will creatively write articles citing high tension situations between nations, political pressures, and international incidents.


Alternate Topics writer

This position offers the most creativity. The alternate topics writer is responsible for writing articles that are not directly about war, politics, or aliens. The purpose is to break up the reading and to offer a wider variety of headlines.

X-COM funding writer

This position will discuss, analyze, and debate the funding that X-COM receives, should receive, or doesn’t deserve. It is a highly statistical, and sometimes opinionated, position.


Sirius Spokesman

This position is responsible for generating speeches or reports by the head council of Sirius. They will act as the voice of Sirius in a very creative role.


State address writer

This position is responsible for generative state addresses by the various funding nations. Reports can include explanations of decreased funding to the nations plan of action.


Political Writer

This writer is to address topics of political nature.


War Writer

This writer is to address war driven topics and situations. They will report on battles and the effects of their outcomes.

Article Artist

This position is responsible for creating or finding pictures to go along with the articles.



This position is has a high level of responsibility and must be very actively involved. They are in charge of reviewing and editing the articles so that they are mechanically, grammatically, and punctually correct.


PM me if you are interested in any of these positions.

Edited by JoeJoe
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