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XCOMUFO & Xenocide

Interstellar Travel


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Although the Xenium Reactor is a very effective and capable device, it is apparent that it is not capable of interstellar travel. It, like all engines earth has developed, cannot travel faster than the speed of light. This severely inhibits interstellar travel, implying that the aliens either originated from within our solar system, or that they have other propulsion systems. However, despite this information, it is still more effective than even the best human engines.


Q: Are the aliens capable of “above light speed travel”.


In my opinion they shouldn’t be able to travel above light speed. But I was just wandering if this was decided already.

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I say we go with the old hyperspace drives, the Aliens know how to make them, but when they got here they dismantled them since they had no use for them while conquering the pityful Humans :devillaugh:
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i would prefere the bellow light speed travel option.

it would explain the gap in the Alien Origins Consept.

(an explanation for the time gap between dinosaurs and around 10000 BC is needed)

bellow light speed would explain the time gap.

also; if the the space craft would travel close to light speed. the passenger would experience 100'000 years, as little as a few weeks becouse of the effect of relativity.

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acturly, aliens having +lightspeed drivers on mars (along with blueprints), it could be a great add-on to later versions. I mean, after you conquer mars, you find them, and now you go out to ---
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