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XCOMUFO & Xenocide

Country Funding Issue


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Question 1: NO

Question 2: Countries will increase their funding by a random percentage between 1-20% if you have positive score(doesn't matter how positive) for them and the exact opposite if you have negative score for them

I don't know the limits though

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Once a country signs a pact with the aliens, their funding disappears... forever. This is true for most versions of the game. However, people who own the DOS EU version frequently mention countries returning. Visiting the landed infiltration vessels and/or getting rid of the base does not instantly make everything "kosher" with that country. If they sign, its all over. :Deal:


A country will not increase funding by up to 20% if your score is positive. The game actually figures happiness/unhappiness primarily by comparing your activity (score) in that country to the aliens activity (score) in that country. The actual equation used is this:

Alien activity in country + overall alien activity/5 = Total alien score

X-COM activity in country + overall X-COM activity/10 = Total X-COM score

If X-COM > Alien, then that country will raise it's funding by up to +20%.



- Zombie

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I said if your score in the county is positive i think

if i didn't, then i meanth that

If you go too high with money, it reverses and goes to negatives :)

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Zombie are you sure it's only the old dos version (which I am blessed with BTW) where countries came back? The was someone on XTC who had it happend to them as well; were they old dos also?
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From the little bit of research I did into this subject, the original, unpatched, DOS UFO: EU version is the only one that will allow countries to switch sides again. Subsequent versions of the game might have been "fixed" by the programmers to preclude this from happening.


Right now, I am running tests on the 1.4 CE version to determine if this is the case. Initial results hint that this version is immune. But I have a couple of spare tests up my sleeves to verify this. If it is the case that 1.4 can have countries return to X-COM, then it stands to reason that the versions in-between the DOS and 1.4 also can have this happen too. Stay tuned. :)


- Zombie

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My version requires no password. And I did run Scott Jones FIX commmand on it when that command was still included in XcomUtil, but I think I got countries back before that. I havent fire up my xcom in years OMG but I'm pretty sure it's v1.x where x 0.
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