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XCOMUFO & Xenocide


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I ran out of Elerium in my current Veteran game. While I'm planning to rectify this, I thought of something. So, asuming that:

  • E115 isn't easy to come by
  • Heavy Plasma clips need 3E to make
  • In Xcom1 CE version, unloading a half-spent clip does not preserve it (I read so somewhere)

...is a clip-relay tactic viable? As in: if someone has a used clip, and someone else is preparing to shoot (entering the UFO, for instance) he gets the used clip thrown to her. Or is it not worth the hastle?

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Why not give some of your agents laser weapons? When you're swimming in elerium and heavy plasma clips later on you can throw them out again. I wouldn't want to waste precious TUs in combat.

I still have those 10 laser rifles some warehouse, I guess. My problem is that I never expect my troops to get a second chance shooting at ethereals & crysalids, so I go for maximum managable damage. :)

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If your soldiers are in a safe environment, then swapping weapons around isn't a problem as long as your next steps are taken on the next turn to keep your initiative high. The relay mainly works for passing high cost/low ammo weapons like the grenades or launchers or tools like medikits from a safe area to the front line quickly.


For the Ethereals and Chryssalids, keep your distance when firing and improve your chances by kneeling and using auto or snap (get them via volume). You also have the option of throwing as much firepower as you can by way of an aimed rocket launcher fitted large rockets (+kneeling, of course!) or lobbing high explosive packs with 40+ strength soldiers. Not quite the same top damage as heavy plasmas, but they're easier to hit with.


Lasers have the added benefit of faster reaction fire, which is useful as defense against chryssalids during the alien's turn. Even if it misses, reacting alone seems to to cause them to pick alternate targets, causing them to waste TUs. Affects Reapers the same way. As for the Ethereals, you often have plenty of time before you meet the to build up a large supply of heavy plasma ammo.



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9.7 prompts for the base fix and the ship modifications. Most of what was forced has been made optional or removed.


Forced items are:

  • Copy protection set to all 0's
  • Difficulty bug fix
  • Unit facing in craft.
  • Clip Consolidation
  • MIA recovery. (Units under mind control when you win.)
  • And if using STEAM; splitting the windows EXE.


Eventual everything will be optional.


-Blade FireLight

Edited by BladeFireLight
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  • 4 weeks later...
I ran out of Elerium in my current Veteran game. While I'm planning to rectify this, I thought of something. So, asuming that:

  • E115 isn't easy to come by
  • Heavy Plasma clips need 3E to make
  • In Xcom1 CE version, unloading a half-spent clip does not preserve it (I read so somewhere)

...is a clip-relay tactic viable? As in: if someone has a used clip, and someone else is preparing to shoot (entering the UFO, for instance) he gets the used clip thrown to her. Or is it not worth the hastle?


Make a supply interdiction squad with the express purpose of harvesting supply ships and everything smaller. Give them laser rifles and whatever armor you please. Save the heavy gear for terror ships, battleships, and bases, until you have enough. You should never have to make your own clips. EVAR!!!11 Nor should you run low on elerium (except when you decide to make those 100 flying suits just for the heck of it). It's a good idea to practice using weaker weapons on smaller raids to get the tactics down for efficiency and to secure a lot of resources in the beginning.


Let the Small to Large UFOs land as long as they aren't terror (try to stop them from starting a terror mission) or scout (they don't land, but they buzz around your base and may report your position) missions. Figuring out what they're going to do can be a pain at first, but when you have the Hyperwave Decoder, the decision making becomes a lot easier.


Since terror ships and supply ships are both Large, you might not be sure which squad to send if you don't have the Hyperwave Decoder. You can still distinguish supply ships because they only land on top of bases unless they're in a fleet. You can even tell what kind of alien is in the supply ships by taking a peek in their base and retreating.


If it's a sectoid Medium or Large craft, read everything in this thread. The strategy I posted at the bottom is the best I know of, and I've tried everything. Literally.


Try to shoot down battleships and let them rot if you don't have heavy weapons or psi (you'll still need Avengers and plasma cannons if you want to do this efficiently). I usually do the same with terror ships. Once you have psi and blasters, battleships are paydirt.


In other words, just farm the crap out of those UFOs that you can handle and don't splode the power sources. H. Plasma should be the least of your worries, and the elerium should stack up after enough farming.

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