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XCOMUFO & Xenocide

Dumb Question For Xcomutil


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I saw how some of you used that program to name troops automatically, and I thought, whoa, time for major time saving!


Haha, okay, I located the xcomutil.cfg file, and I gathered that's where all the action is at.


But... I got no blardy idea on where to even start. I take a look at the readme and well, it's so technical.


So, can someone please post a template or example or something with a description of it's effects, so that I can relate each part of that stat string?


Much thanks in helping me getting my head around this.

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Should be an example in the .cfg file already.


To be honest it's nice, but limited. For example you can only use 1 letter per line or else it terminates with it (which is suppose to be helpful for it's auto-equipper, that I've never gotten to work).


Basically it reads it in linear order with this kind of syntax (sorry if it's technical)


<literal characters> <stat type>:<lower>-<upper> <stat type>:<lower>-<upper> <stat type>:<lower>-<upper> (etc...)


basically it's delimited. First group is the characters to append to the name. Then the next is the 'qualifications' for getting that character, multiple qualifications can be used at once as they are AND'ed together (must meet them all). You can also leave out either the upper or lower bound to allow anything higher or lower.


An example

W s:-25

M f:60-
+ f:65-

Superman f:65- r:60- d:70- b:90-

B b:50-


First line will put W if the soldier's strength is less than 25 (I think equal to as well)


Then it will move on, if the soldier's firing accuracy is above 60 he will get an M, if he has above 65 he will get a + after that M (since 65 > 60)


It gets 'Superman' at the end if firing accuracy 65 and above, reactions 60 or above, dexterity (Time Units) 70 or above, AND bravery 90 and above.


Note that such a soldier qualifies for the 'M' and '+' lines so you will only see: 'M+Superman'. It is possible for him to be weak (kryptonite anyone?) while qualifying so it would then be 'WM+Superman'


Since 'Superman' is more than 1 character, if the soldier qualifies for it, it will terminate there. Otherwise it will continue to see if it qualifies for 'B'


Here's a quick list of all possible outputs from this little configuration:

  • W - Soldier has 25 or less strength, less than 60 firing accuracy and less than 50 bravery
  • WM - Soldier has 25 or less strength, 60-64 firing accuracy and less than 50 bravery
  • WMB - same as above but 50 or higher bravery
  • WM+ - Soldier has 25 or less strength, 65 or higher firing accuracy and less than 50 bravery
  • WM+B - same as a above but atleast 50 bravery and but less than 60 reactions or less than 70 time units
  • WB - 25 or less strength, less than 60 firing accuracy and 50 or higher bravery
  • - yes, it is possible for no stat string to be added, must have 26 or higher strength, less than 60 firing accuracy and less than 50 bravery (though you won't get a literal '' as the name)
  • M - strength 26 or higher, firing 60-64, less than 50 bravery
  • M+ - same as above but firing 65 or higher, and (reactions less than 60 or Time Units less than 70)
  • MB - strength 26 or higher, firing 60-64, 50 or higher bravery, and (reactions less than 60 or Time units less than 70)
  • M+B - Same as above only firing accuracy is 65 or higher
  • M+Superman - strength of 26 or higher, firing 65 or higher, reactions 60 or higher, time units 70 or higher, bravery 90 or higher
  • WM+Superman - same as above but strength is 25 or less
  • B - strength 26 or higher, firing less than 60, bravery 50 or higher

And a list of NOT possible configurations, for completeness sake

  • W+
  • +B
  • MSuperman
  • +Superman
  • WSuperman
  • M+SupermanB
  • WM+SupermanB
  • Superman

Ok not a thorough list but if it starts with any of these, it's impossible (with this configuration)


Ok, I spent way too much time on this. Hope it helps.

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Pi master, much thanks to you.




Aye, I just noticed that xcomutil.cfg file has some preset naming schemes, but even if I recognised it as such before, I still wouldn't comprehend.


But with your example, I will have a good chance at cracking this.


Thanks mate.

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