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XCOMUFO & Xenocide

Enemy's In Tfd Aren't Aliens!


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No... Here's a history of the Brain and T'leth :P (I was bored)


T'leth was a colony ship marking Earth for colonisation (probably not the Brain's aliens, but another's). The ship however did something wrong to bugger up it's entire systems and crashed landed in the Mexican Gulf. This in turn, wiped out the Dinosaurs. Some Dinosaurs however were scooped up by the aliens, and also, another civilized alien race which had remained underwater on our planet since the Dinosaurs was contacted by the aliens (Gill Men). The Gill Men could not survive, and the aliens were trying to contact their space brethren (which was kinda futile), so the Gill Men decided to join up with the Aliens in a big cryosleep for millions of years. The Brain on Mars probably ignored the Aquatic aliens, knowing they were there, but they could have been enemies for all we know, and waking the ship up would be it's last testament to try and say "If I'm going down, I'll signal my enemy and he'll take you down with me!". Anyway, the Brain when dying sent the signal, and woke the TFTD aliens up, starting the Second War.


The Brain's empire was one that started on Mars. Mars was just like Earth from the screenshots, and from what we can gather, the Brain "seeded" our planet. Probably creating the first life on our planet which evolved, and evolved and evolved.. until the TFTD aliens crashed of course. Mars from what we can gather lost it's atmosphere so the Brain set up the face and the underground base on Cydonia to preserve it's culture (if it has any). It of course, ignored the TFTD aliens when they crash landed, or for all we know, the Brain's forces could be the ones to sabotage the vessel, causing it to forcibly crash into Earth and lead to the seeding of us. The Brain (somehow) makes a portal the other side of the galaxy (Alliance), and even stretches into parallel universes? (Interceptor) too, expanding his empire. Around 1999 the Brain decides to attack Earth and reap the harvest. We fight back and we win killing the Brain. The Brain in his last death throws calls upon the TFTD aliens.


I'm thinking the Brain and Great Dreamer are both rival factions (the TFTD aliens wouldn't need the Great Dreamer if they had the Brain), who were brought up on the same world, and had to escape into space due to some devastation. One landed on Earth, the other Mars. But this is probably left by the designers to let us wonder forever at what the alien's history is supposed to be.

Edited by Sectopod
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