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XCOMUFO & Xenocide

Auto Shot


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I would like to know why people seem to go round harping on about auto shooting things or not auto shooting things. Does it make a difference which you choose, except for TUs and acc?


Also, is there a reason for auto shots, they are more TUs for less Acc? :wacko:

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ok now..this is how i did it back in the day... if a damn alien is right in front of you... and you got the TUs, go Auto...obviously that would give a pretty damn good chance to get in a pretty damn good hits in...


other than that reason, i did it on the rifles if i was in a jam...i got prety damn lucky a lot of the times....so its really personal preference to use it or not...

Edited by XcomVic
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Look at it this way: fire one snapshot with, say 30% hit chance, or fire three autoshots with, say 20% hit chance. with the first you have 30% chance to hit, but with the second you have three times 20% chance to hit, which totals out as more (at a cost of more TU's and ammo)
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you havent read what we typed....


lets say we got an alien right in front of me...


soldier : 50 TUS

equipped: standard rifle


Alien HP with no armor: 100

aimed shot: 30 tus 90% acc 1 ammo

snap shot cost: 15 60% acc 1 ammo

auto shot: 20 20% acc 3 ammo


aimed x 1= 30 TUs = 25 dmg ALIEN= 75 HP (gonna be hurting and rdy to kill you)

snap x 3= 45 TUs = 75 dmg ALIEN= 25 HP (gonna be hurting more but rdy to kill you nonetheless)

auto x 2= 40 TUs = 150 dmg ALIEN= DEAD (if they all hit of course which i dont see why they wouldnt)


this is a pretty damn crappy table but i hope you get the point..

Edited by XcomVic
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