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XCOMUFO & Xenocide


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  1. I know it has been quite some time, but thanks for all the work on the Apoc'd, for everyone involved, especially J'ordos. In the past, I have had the chance to mess around, albeit very minorly, with NKF on dune2 editing, so I was thrilled by all the experience. I read through all the forum topic in one breath... I always liked TFTD the most, yet I played all three games to great extend. Currently, (after all those years) a very good friend of mine and I are playing Apocalypse again, and using APOC'D to enforce our own campaign rules into the game. We have made up some additional benefits / drawbacks of having organisations allied / enemy... (If you are allied with sensovision, for example, they make good advertisement of you; thus we can change one "unfriendly" to "friendly" per week. Or if we have the gravballers allies, we will have special physical trainers attend to our agents, and each day a phsycial stat two agents will be increased by 1. There are also drawbacks in this manner too if you hostile with them, for example, sensovision makes bad castings about you and we have to add one neutral organisation to unfriendly...) As a further yet unneccssary note, we are playing a mod where the difficulty is increased and you need to research dead specimen first in order to research live one, I believe it was doctor karajan mod or sth...) What we failed to do, was to take over a building which was not on sale list for us. Is there only a specific set of buildings that can be sold to x-com? We are in war with osiron and we have buried their funding to the bottom of abys, and megapol also raided and even stormed them. As we are also allied with megapol and made several raids to osiron too, we decided to take one of their buildings as our base for free... (and name it outpost konnan for it was the name of the hero that died in hostile takeover mission, one of our best men...) we failed so we used an alternative building that was on sale right next to it (warehouse nine) but now I wonder if it was possible. Also great kudos on finding all that hidden stuff like multiplayer embedded into the game. You guys are awesome. I know how hard it is to search through all those variables, changing values and trying to find out the effect on the game. I know it has been quite a time since the last update, but now that xcom: enemy unknown is on the horizon maybe old games will be revisited and we will see more Apoc'd development... Imagine a steam-based online mode
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