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XCOMUFO & Xenocide


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  1. Okay... maybe these suggestions were already posted, but I'm just gonna go full out with what I think should be done with the MMO version. The Point: The game would be played with two seperate geoscapes, one being Cydonia and the other being Earth. The object of the game would be to terrorize the other planet's continents and capture it's bases to take control of land in an all out war. Each player would control their own anti-invasion operation for either planet, and would use it to wage war on the other planet. Rather than having a base, each player would work out of universal bases on continents controlled by their planet's government. Overall Gameplay (for my convenience, I will refer to opposing planets as team A and : Team A could lose a continent to team B if team B captured all of team A's government funded bases. Bases could be won by driving out opposing forces within the base via classic X-Com style fighting and occupying it in this fashion for a certain amount of time. This way if team A attacked team B's base in Africa for 15 minutes it would notify everyone on teab B that team A was attacking, and backup could be brought in. The time to take a base could drop from terror sites, too. Say the base in Africa took 15 minutes to convince the African government to allow team A to occupy it... but if team A were to terrorize an African city within that base's zone, it would now only take 14 minutes or so depending on how well team A terrorized that city. (maybe instead defenses could be cut because of funding... I dunno, this idea could be played around with. Now that base in Africa would be another spot for players on team A to respawn after being shot down or completely destroyed in battle. Depending on what percentage of the bases a team occupies, handicaps could be given to each team... say if team A occupied 60% of the bases in each geoscape, team b would be allowed to use a higher amount of points in battle than team A. Player progression: Each player would progress through research and gaining money via paychecks from their government after each battle. Although bases would be shared, research would be individual for each private anti-invasion company. Also, although players would work out of a ship instead of a base, they would store excess soldiers, equipment, and their scientists and engineers in their planetary government's main base that can not be taken until all of the other bases under that planetary government's control are taken.(it could have really good repulsion shields or something). This way a player could only take a certain amount of points (like in UFO2000 currently) with them to terror sites, bases, crash landings, etc. This would keep players who have lots of money and research from having complete advantage over newer players. If a battle was lost entirely without aborting or if a player's ship was shot down they could be resurrected at a nearby base. Terror sites and base attacking: Terror sites would start by a player simply deciding to terrorize. They would land, and just begin hunting down civilians on the map. After each turn there could be a pause of a few minutes and then the player could take another turn. This would continue until another player came to the terror site. Simple idea. The same idea could be carried out for a base, too... the player would just spend his time spreading out his units and killing scientists and engineers while they waited for the base to be captured. But what if another player came by the terror site? It seems like too long to just wait there until the battle is over... I can't think of anything for this. Either way this seems like it would be okay, and it would keep things appropriate for good geoscape to battlescape timing. The geoscape: The geoscape would have to be huge to accomodate a large number of bases and enough space to roam without getting attacked by a ship every two seconds. I'd suggest a huge 2d scrolling geoscape, as the geoscape is sorta clunky and would be difficult to use since geoscape would be realtime... thus other players could attack you and you wouldn't be able to even command your ship to run or see where you're clicking and what not. The geoscape would work like normal, but it would have to have a heads up display for nearby terror sites, crash landings, and base attacks. Teleporting would have to happen between geoscapes, but one teleport could allow just crowding around a teleport and attacking ships as they come out, so many teleporters would need to be used. Ummm... I had so many ideas, but they aren't coming to me right now... so just look at that and tell me what you think. - Sartre
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